"Guns Under Fire"


New member
On October 19, The Learning Channel will air a program developed for them by CBS News. I don't know how fair it will be (you can imagine, since CBS is involved). However, it might be worth watching since Ann Barry, a university professor from Bowling Green, Kentucky got to tell her story. Barry's back door was hammered down by two home invaders who used an ax to enter. She confronted them with her .357 Magnum and, in a wild gun battle, severely wounded one intruder, and sent the second fleeing.

I had a very minor role in the program--CBS News contacted me and asked for a list of survivors who used frearms to defend themselves. I sent them the list, and they eventually filmed an interview with Ann Barry and the detective who investigated the case (also very pro-gun).

So put October 19 on your calendar. The name of the show is "Guns Under Fire".

Robert A. Waters
Author of "The Best Defense: True Stories of Intended Victims Who Defended Themselves with a Firearm"
Robert, thanks for the info. I hope book sales are going well.

For those of you who haven't seen Robert's book, I can highly recommend it. Well written and engaging. Makes a good gift for those friends and family who are convinced nothing will happen to them, and they'd 'never' need a firearm. 'Course, most of my 'friends' aren't in that category - too smart to have such foolish assumptions. ;)

Robert, any chance you can make the Gun Rights Policy Conference in St. Louis (Second Amendment Foundation - http://www.saf.org/ )? I would like to meet you someday.

Regards from AZ
Is your book at Barnes&Noble?

"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"

-- Adolph Hitler
September, 1935

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
George, yes it is - do a search on their web site. I tried to post the link, but I just can't figure out how to make those long URL's work on the board.

And, if you email Robert, he might even send an autographed copy to you. Note he also has a regular column now in the NRA mag's.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited August 28, 1999).]
My book is stocked by most Books-A-Million stores across the country. Barnes and Noble does not keep it in stock, but will order it, and so will other book stores. It can also be obtained through Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, or other online bookstores. To order directly from the publisher, call 1-888-439-2665. Thanks for asking.

I think instead of ordering it online - I will stroll over the B&N store. Drink an expensive beverage and sit in a large overstuffed leather chair while I read several differnet selections that I want...
And THEN buy the book.
My wife doesn't understand my way of shopping...
(My dream store would be a Barnes&noble, H&K stocking gun shop and range, Wild Oats Market, and a Comp USA - all rolled into one)

"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"

-- Adolph Hitler
September, 1935

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
I learned some more about the show. There are supposed to be four major segments. Two will be stories of innocent people being shot with guns. One will be the Ann Barry segment, complete with a re-enactment. The fourth will be an interview with a female who has a concealed weapons permit in Manhattan. I believe she works for the DA's office. The producer said he tried to balance it so that people could make up their own minds.

Does the book mentioned include the legal consequences of the actions? Ayoob observed that many (most?) people listed in the Armed Americans column, while they vanquished the goblins, ended up in jail.
When is the SECOND book coming out? I remember you saying that you were/are working on one.

I recommend his book highly. (for what that is worth.)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
First of all, none of the people whose stories were written about in my book ended up being charged. These were "clean" cases in which the victim would have been dead had they not used a gun to defend themselves, and the local police and DA's generally praised the victim.

As far as the cases described in the "Armed Citizen", few if any of those victims who defended themselves ended up in jail. I researched many of those cases (through local media coverage) and found none in which the victim went to jail (I may have missed one or two, but usually they weren't even charged). In a few instances, the victim was sued in civil court by the perpetrator, but rarely did the perpetrator win.

My second book should be completed by the end of the year and I hope it will be published next spring.