Guns & Penises (this is serious!)

Covert Mission

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For your reading pleasure courtesy of Salon Magazine. There are other gun issue links here too, just browse. And DON'T FORGET to call the Top 10 legislators named here, and thank them!

Guns and penises: American society's problem isn't firearms -- it's the sexually dysfunctional men and women who abuse them
The NRA's big guns: Meet the 10 biggest obstacles to gun reform legislation

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By Jake Tapper

August 12, 1999 | WASHINGTON -- Poll after poll indicates that most Americans
-- including most gun owners -- agree with Janet Reno about one thing. "It is
common sense, pure common sense, to ensure that guns are only in the hands of
those who know how to safely and lawfully use them and have the capacity
and the willingness to do so," the attorney general said after the recent
shooting at a Los Angeles-area Jewish day-care center.

But judging by their foot-dragging on new gun-control measures, our
representatives in Washington seem to think that they represent a slice of
America consisting entirely of Charlton Heston's bungalow.

That Congress continues to slay any and every gun law -- no matter how
popular, incidental or seemingly reasonable -- is a tribute to the gun industry's
powerhouse of a lobby, the National Rifle Association.
Now I know why I like the feel of a well oiled .45. This article/letter sheads new light on guys and their guns ( sarcasm ).

Ms. Paglia did make one solid point, law abiding citizens are NOT the problem.

Most certainly our thanks should go out to those lawakers on that top 10 list. In my case especially to Bob Barr. However, thanks should also go out to all of us who support them and the pro-gun organizations that are a thorn in the side of HCI.


I wrote the editor that because of Mr. Tapper's article, I was able to write my thanks to all those mentioned and told them to keep up the good work. I also suggested
that he now do a list of the 10 most anti-
gun pols so I could support their opponents.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
oh that is a fine cartoon as it is also the truth. rosie is a full blown lesbian.
now back to our subject: i always chide the guys at work, telling them that i don't understand any man not having a truck,a gun and a chainsaw.
they hang their heads in domesticated shame.
As a proud owner of both (which usually remain politely concealed), What they have in common is that I will fight to keep either with equal fervor.
I seem to remember a DI teaching the following to recruits who made the mistake of referring to their weapon as their 'gun': "This is my RIFLE (holding it aloft.,) this is my GUN (grasping the eponymous member gingerly.) This is for fighting, and this is for fun!" (Repeat, 500 times, while running double-time laps.)
Camille, being a twitch of the 60's, apparently is unaware of the distinctions that fighting men make. :) slabsides

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.
I wouldn't touch that with a 10in., er, 10 foot pole! But, all seriousness aside, if you want to see something really silly, this same thread is running over at GlockTalk, but the title is Guns & *******! ROTFLMAO!
This "penis envy" comment has been used on a woman I know. Trouble with that argument was that the "woman" had a sex change from the original male condition. No penis envy there. BTW, the person had AK, SKS and AR tools prior to the operation and has kept them (kept "his" wife, also).