Guns on campus debate at Ok State University


New member
I can't believe that I work full-time on this campus,,,
And didn't even know that this gun forum/discussion was going to take place.

The Daily O'Collegian article,,,

IMHO it's not a very well written article,,,
But at least they did give the debate front page coverage,,,
That's more coverage than they gave the forum's announcement.

The article states that:
"Large majority in attendance favored concealed carry on campus."
I would make a bet agreeing that isn't a campus consensus but rather that of the forum attendees.

As much of a 2-A advocate as I am,,,
I must admit I am a bit mixed on this subject,,,
If it ever came to a public referendum I would vote yes,,,
But I do believe that all it will take is one AD or ND to squelch campus carry.

State Senator Steve Russel proposed SB 858,,,
This would allow CCP holders to carry legally on campus.

I'm not quite sure how this would work out in legislation,,,
Oklahoma has a law preventing employers from banning weapons in parked cars,,,
The law preventing that for University Faculty/Staff/Students is the law prohibiting weapons on State Property.

So I feel his proposed legislation is designed to correct that situation,,,
As much as it is to allow concealed carry on campus.

As the article states:
"The bill would not prevent Oklahoma colleges and universities the right to have a policy against concealed carry."

Right now, if I want to go to the range after work,,,
I have to park somewhere off campus,,,
I hate that.

We now have a Pro 2-A Governor,,,
Maybe this bill will actually get passed and signed.

How do you folk feel about on-campus carry?

What raimium sez.

Here, we can leave the gun in the car on campus parking lots but can't carry on campus.

Personally, I hate the idea of leaving a gun in the car, even in a lockbox.

The Chronicle of Higher Ed said today that 9 states are considering campus carry. Please remember that one of the major objections is perceived liability from the actions of the carriers. Just focusing on antigun sentiment isn't where a great deal of the controversy is centered.

In TX, big business interests as well as the education lobby is dead set against expansion of carry privileges. Preventing libability to the corporate entity (business or school) is all they carry about.
I fully support on-campus and in-school carry and, before my granddaughter moved out of state, did so almost daily.
I am a current college student and although I do not feel comfortable carrying I do believe those who do carry regularly should have every right to on campus. Realistically I don't feel many students out of the whole campus actually own their own handgun and those who carry obviously must have the most experience and hopefully understand the law and how to use their best judgment.
It should go without saying, but if such a law were to be passed it wouldn't give a new class of persons the right to carry. Only people who were already allowed to carry a pistol would be able to carry under the new law. The only difference is that they would be allowed to carry on campus while their permits don't currently allow that.

I think a lot of the emotion behind this topic is because people somehow get the feeling that this law would arm students. It wouldn't. Unless they can already get a permit under the current laws they wouldn't be able to get permits under the new laws.

Second, I think a lot of folks think that when the law passes there would be a large number of students arming themselves. That's unlikely given that only people over 21 are eligible to get permits. Realistically only college seniors and some college juniors are likely be eligible for permits since most freshmen, sophomores and juniors won't meet the age requirements for a permit.

The biggest practical effect of such laws would be to allow graduate students, teachers and college administration/staff to carry on campus if they are already eligible to receive a permit under the existing laws.