Guns on campus; a different perspective


First, a little background. I'm a grad student at the Lake County University Center in a far north suburb of Chicago. This Center is on the grounds of a local community college, The College of Lake County, where I also take some classes in order to start a degree program (engineering) entirely different from what I've done previously. I spend about ten to twelve hours a week in classes at this campus.

The school releases a student-run newspaper called the Lancer Chronicle. In the latest edition there are two articles referencing the NIU shootings. In both, discussion of arming the school's campus safety officers is addressed with opinions on both sides.

I intend to draft a reply to both of these articles.

As I'm sure most of y'all know, Illinois doesn't allow civilian CCW. Of any kind. Unless you're one of, Mayor Daley's aldermen, of course. That being said, with the ability for campuses across the country to defy state law and bar concealed carry on campus, would a school such as mine have the ability to do the same in reverse? The school is as much a public institution as Virginia Tech or many of the other state and federally funded schools throughout the country that, if I recall correctly, have been allowed to forbid CCW.

The reason I ask is because in my letter I want to propose the idea - one I know will never be accepted - that students would be in no more danger if both campus safety officers and our own student body were allowed to carry on school grounds. I won't make the assertion that we'll be safer but I want to dispel the myth that those of us who would carry would in any way present a greater danger to students than if we had the Grayslake Police Department patrolling the campus.

Well it's like this! I feel better about protecting myself than counting on someone else to protect me! It's sad that your state is the way it is! The people that are to protect and serve us in SOME cases are worst than the BG.
How are these guards under pressure? They will be too late just like LEOs.
good luck

I suggest you address the issue with a bit of style and keep to the point of your right to defend your self. Should you drift to far offend your readers may not get your intended point. Let the rand and range writing come from the anti crowd as you stick with facts.

A college/university publication is probably the hardest audience to write for.
When you respond to these articles do you think they will publish them in the newspaper or just the editor and contributors to the original stories will read them? I have found when responding to things like this that audience is very important.

If you were addressing this to the editor of the school newspaper, most likely a fellow student I would word it differently than something address to the Board or the President.

Do you know who you will send it to?

Do you have the articles that we could read?
with the ability for campuses across the country to defy state law and bar concealed carry on campus,

I was not aware a college/university could override state law regarding CCW. In Florida, the prohibition to firearms on campuses comes from the state. The state law goes further to prohibit anyone other than the state from making gun regulations. That means that counties, cities and even school boards have absolutely no say in firearm laws. If the state changed its mind and allowed CCW at schools, those same counties, cities and schools could not prohibit it.
toybox is right as to the challenge of the audience. You have to convey a lot of information to fully develop your thoughts, but it has to be short and to the point to hold peoples' attention as well. Pascal said something to the effect of "I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time." So true. You also have to think of what you hope to accomplish with your letter. You note that your idea will sadly never come to be. That said, are you looking to use this as a rallying cry for the troops, or are you looking to persuade people on the fence? A more hardline approach would be better for the former, while if tackling the latter you'd probably want to avoid loaded words and have a distinct logical path going from A to B to C. Anyway, good luck.
+ 1 for DaveinPA
I too belong to SCCC (Students for Concealed Carry on Campus), great proponent of our rights as students to protect ourselves.
When you respond to these articles do you think they will publish them in the newspaper or just the editor and contributors to the original stories will read them? I have found when responding to things like this that audience is very important.

If you were addressing this to the editor of the school newspaper, most likely a fellow student I would word it differently than something address to the Board or the President.

Do you know who you will send it to?

Do you have the articles that we could read?
I don't believe they'll publish them but I'm hoping I can present an argument with enough eloquence that they at least consider it. Letters to the editor have to be submitted via email so I can't drop it off in person and have a conversation with the staff.

The articles are not online but I will try to scan them in for y'all in the next day or so.
That said, are you looking to use this as a rallying cry for the troops, or are you looking to persuade people on the fence?
Mainly it's just to bring awareness to our side of the issue. In the articles the only comments regarding guns being allowed on campus were in regards to the campus security officers being allowed to carry. While I realize that Hkmp5sd is most likely on the money I think it's important to at least expose the idea that there are those of us on campus who feel that we should all have the option to carry.

I'm considering going all out and interviewing a few of my fellow students that I know are RKBA supporters and submitting the entire piece as an article, not just an editorial reply to one.
I'd say that arguing the philosphical and practical BASICS of CCW would probably be more effective in helping people reconsider their opinions.
Interesting question, but since you live in Chicago.... well that's just plain suspicious. I love my relatives up there, but I pray for them too.

That would be a feat of wordsmithmanship. You are dealing with deep issues when you talk guns and the people of the people's republic of Il. Personally I would find another topic if concerned about my grade.

If you stick with this plan, you have my moral support and admiration. Just remember that I don't have any good jobs to hand out here at my trailer and woodlot :D
Well, I live near Chicago. Not being able to bring my Kimber or SKS or anything else into the city limits is one of the reasons I've remained in Lake County. :p

This can't affect my grade. Contrary to popular belief, colleges and universities don't typically punish students academically for expressing their beliefs.

I appreciate the support and don't worry, the Marine Corps is taking care of my salary for the next six years. :cool: