Guns of the North


Staff Emeritus
Some time ago we discussed whether registration leads to confiscation. I
gave an example where it did so - hears one you can verify:

The National Firearms Association, a Canadian gun owners' group, has a
slogan: "registration means confiscation." That's a cynical take on the law,
some might say, but appropriate for a country where the government
recently banned short-barreled, small-caliber pistols — years after they'd
been subjected to registration with all due assurance that the things would
remain legal. So you can imagine how Canadian gun owners take to C-68,
a law that requires them to apply for licenses and register each and every
firearm that they own. Pay attention; the Canadian experience holds some
nasty lessons for residents of the balmy states south of the border.

IF this interests you, check out: 2599.htm

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 29, 1999).]
You don't have to go to Canada ;)

We have our own homegrown versions: New York City(handguns and they even promised it wouldn't lead to banning/confiscation) and California "assault rifles"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC, Remember that NYC required the registration of "assault rifles" sometime back and then a few years later confiscated them.

While the state of Michigan requires that handguns be registered, the State Police keeping the records, for a long time all the records were kept on file cards. A few years back, before converting to computers, there was a fire that destroyed many of those records. Therefore, many registerd pistol has no record with the MSP. Let us hear it for fires and other problems.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
This is where my obedience to the law ends.
I will never register my firearms.
If required:
"Guns? What Guns? Oh - Yeah - I used to own a gun or two - but those got sold. Yeah - Sold them back in Virginia before I moved to Utah..."

NYC, Kali, Canada... BITE ME!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
"What guns sold them a while back", yeah at one of the Arms Baazars, you know the place where clinton said you can buy and sell with no records of transactions, legally. I just remembered I sold all mine at the last baazar. I only visit this forum for academic reasons.
George, I think that's a great idea. Unfortunately, IL had its registration system in place before I was able to legally own a gun and long before it ever occurred to my father not to trust the government implicitly. The ones I own are all registered and I'm in the system as a FOID card holder. If I claim I sold them, the lack of records means I'm either a criminal because I'm lying or a criminal for not keeping the records correctly.
"Of course, there was that unfortunate house fire a few years back, when I figured there was no sense in claiming a couple of guns for the insurance, sir . . . ."


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron