Guns of the century


New member
Alright boys and girls, once again its time to second guess the experts. The January 2000 edition of Shooting Times magazine just came out and this issue is filled with articles by the various writers who chose the guns of the century and explained why.
I won't get into the details, but here are their choices:

Auto pistol of the century by Dick Metcalf:
Colt Government Model 1911

Bolt action rifle of the century by Rick Jamison:
Winchester Model 70

Double action revolver of the century by Sheriff Jim Wilson:
Smith & Wesson Model 19 .357 Magnum

Single action revolver of the century by Mike Venturino:
Ruger Blackhawk (all variations)

Sporting centerfire autoloading rifle of the century by Layne Simpson:
Remington 740/742/7400 series

Autoloading shotgun of the century by Layne Simpson:
Remington 1100

Muzzleloader of the century by Larry Weishuhn:
.50 caliber Knight MK-85

I find myself pretty much in agreement with these picks. For you bolt action fans, before you get bent, remember that the classic Mauser was designed in the 19th century and thus not included in the game.
In Da revolvers, I would have gone with the S&W Model 10. But, again this design dates back to the end of the 19th century.
And while I'm not really into muzzle loaders, I would have gone with a more traditional design rather than an in-line.
In auto rifles, remember that this is for SPORTING rifles not military weapons. BTW: The M1 Garand made everybodies list.

So, there you have it. The experts have spoken. What do you think?
While the Model 19 was developed during this century, its lockwork is basically the same as the Model 10. In my opinion, the M19 is more a relic (reverantly used) of the 19th Century than of the 20th. My own pick would be the Ruger SP101.

I'll have to agree with the 1911. It was considered an old war bird back in the '30s and its probably the single most popular .45 pistol in the world today. Geez, when God's phrophet on earth, Moses (John Moses Browning) delivered unto us the 1911, he gave us something our children's children could use (remember, the 1911 shows up in Aliens).

Regarding Knight's inline muzzleloader, well, I guess so. Herschel House or William Gustler's creations are dated in comparison.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Is browning BAR [aciton] based on the military rifle of same name? (1919) And if allowed was it just beat by the remington autoloader.
Dennis, the M1 Garand was included on almost all of their lists, usually in the high to middle part of each writers top 50.

I was somewhat surprised at Larry Weishuhn's list, not necessarily for what was on the list but for what he left off. He left off the 1911, M1, Browning HP, M16/AR15, Glocks, CZ75, etc. Yet he added the Rem XP-100, Ruger 7722.
I'm going to assume that the Rem. 740/742 made the list based purely on units sold, not on functioning. The bolt lugs were notorious for gouging up the inside of the receiver, effectively ruining the gun. I would've picked the BAR.
My picks include the M870 for a pump shotgun.
S&W Model 59 for the autopistol. It was the first American auto to combine the hi-capacity of the P35 with a double action trigger. Followed by many other "wondernines".
I'm leaning toward the S&W M60 for the DA revolver. That is purely based on the fact that it was the first stainless steel handgun, and ushered in a whole new era.
Other than that, the list looks okay.
BTW, I didn't second guess any experts, just some gun writers. :D
Kframe, you're right. Simpson selected the 74x series based solely on the number sold. But, if you read between the lines, he would rather have chosen the BAR for quality.
I agree with most of the list. The exceptions would be:

Autoloading Rifle - Browning - because they are beautiful, accurate, reliable and are designed for magnum calibers.

Autoloading Shotgun - Browning - no 1100 ever carried the fan club that the old humpback has.

I think there should have been separate rimfire catagories too...

Rimfire Autoloader Rifle - Ruger 10/22

Rimfire Autoloader Pistol - Ruger Mark I/II

Rimfire Bolt Action Rifle - Ruger 77/22

Rimfire DA Revolver - S&W Model 17 (K22)

Rimfire SA revolver - Colt New Frontier or Ruger Bearcat

There should also be a single shot/specialty pistol category - a tie between the Remington XP-100 and the Thompson Center Contender

just my opinion - worth what you paid for it

Don't know if there is a category for it, but the Browning M2 .50 cal must rank as the most important military arm of the century.
Adopted in 1920 it is still in use today! Every M1 Abrams has one, as well as the boats of the Brown water navy.

The M2 was in our fighter planes and bombers in WW2, it made the "Flying Fortress" a flying fortress. Every branch of the service used it, the Japaneese tried to copy it, Hermann Goering said if the Germans had it during the battle of Britain they would have won.

In Korea, it was used to break up Chinese human wave assaults (Quad .50) and was so effective the Chinese petitioned the UN through a third party to have it banned as inhuman.

In Viet Nam, it was used everywhere, even developed as a sniper rifle.

The one image of the Gulf War that remains in my mind is a group of marines huddled behind a wall as one of their number fires away with Ma Deuce mounted on a Hummer. Bet the Iraquis were not happy about being on the receiving end!

We have not built an M2 receiver since the Second World War, so many are stockpiled. The Military has destroyed or sold off stocks of other weapons, but not the M2.

Find me a GI or Marine, or even a Sailor or Airman who has anything bad to say about the M2.

Shooting one is a Religious experience!

Browning M2 .50 cal! The military arm of the century.

Geoff Ross
I like most of the list except for the auto loading shotgun, which has to be the Browning A-5. They keep working even when the action is so gumed up with dirt that others would jam up. Well just my personal opinion.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.

1911 Yep might even let the hi-power tie for this one (since its a world-wide thing yah??)

Smith and Wesson model 10

Ruger 22 auto pistol (homage to luger??)

Remmington 870/Browning Model 5

Hell a pre 64 Winchester model 70 is just a revamped Mauser action.. kudos to mauserwerke.

The GARAND was FAR more technically innovative... but its time was short (thanks to a wiley russian tanker)

(isn't it funny how the BEST designs are the ones that have been around of 50+ years??)

As far as MODERN innovation..

Hats off to Sargent Kalishnikov's rifle, (and the overly complex, prone to breakage stg44 that came before it)

Hats off to Glock, for finally convincing everyone that plastic CAN be used to make a reliable piece.

and hats over our hearts for the mismanagement of Colt.

My 2¢

I only have two bones of contention.

Centerfire Autoloading rifle: Ruger's Deerstalker .44MAG Carbine. The 10/22's bigger, badder brother and a perfect companion to a Super Blackhawk.

Black Powder Frontloader: T/C 50 cal. Hawken. Still the best looking Hawken repro on the market.

Unkel Gilbey

[This message has been edited by Unkel Gilbey (edited December 02, 1999).]