Guns, Money, and Women. Why should the last 2 limit us in happiness?


[Hmmmmmmm... That new _________ is so sick looking. I need to add it to the collection. She won't know, she doesn't count them. It's so beautiful, I have to have one. I still have to pay the phone bill but..... I don't know. What to do, what to do? That gun is so unbelievable I want it so bad, but I.... well I..... can't. On the other hand.....................]
How much for that __________if I give you cash right now???

Wife torturing you? Dollar flow tight? Justification seem endless? Spill your guts.

[This message has been edited by SIG (edited December 10, 1999).]
I can't tell my wife about all my recent firearms purchases... YET. They're Christmas gifts for the whole family to treasure. (Enough for the next several years of X-mas actually) I like to beat the Holiday shopping rush. ;)
Well Jack, I'd better get to play with your new toy. Cause I was there when you bought it. I thought you said something like "what she doesn't know wont hurt her".

As to marksmanship, it is not what you once did, rather it is what you can do on demand.
I know how it feels---everything is going
along just fine,then you see it "the new
gun"--it's beautiful.It feels nice,it looks
great--you just want to have it.
I say to myself "I'll stop smoking for a month or two-that'll cover it" or'" I wont have a beer for two months" It doesn't work
--I just buy it anyway.

Those who beat their swords into ploughshares
will plough for those who don't
You just have to get a new gun for your wife! :) But be sure you get a really nice one 'cause you're only gonna get to trade like this once! :D

Gee, I guess I'm very lucky 'cause only the money and SC law have been slowing me down lately. We have a 1 gun a month law and I'm not rich! :(

The wife just shakes her head and walks away...that's good, RIGHT? ;)

[This message has been edited by DMSC (edited December 10, 1999).]
Ahhhh...the liberty of being single :D


"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges." (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
When I was young (16 or so) my father told me that deep inside females desire to "castrate" males once they marry them. To put it mildly "domesticate" their partners. Back then I was naive and idealist.... Yes, I guess it was true, and the more I read these replies the more I agree with my dad.
I just hope some of these guys are joking... Otherwise it would be sooo sad!
Too many men being raised to be good sons, not to be MEN.
Why do you think the few REAL WOMEN (i.e. not into man-ranching) are so well respected? The conscious decision to leave well-enough alone speaks to me of compatibility in general...
I always ask, Are all the bills paid? Does everybody in the house have all they need such as new shoes,clothes etc.Food to eat,roof over your head? Any thing you would like dear? Well then don't complain about my new gun! What do I work for everyday? One question ? How many do you buy a week, month or year before she flips?

Are you happy? or Are you married /Moe Howard

gun control is people control

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited December 10, 1999).]
Oh man, I think at least ONCE a day about what I could do to get extra money to buy that (fill in the blank).. this week it is a .357 sig by either Sig or HK. Jesus, this must be what it is like to be addicted to crack or something! lol... it's all I think about anymore(guns not crack). and you people don't help! =)
My wife likes to shoot with me, and there are many days when she is alot better of a shot than me.
So we don't have any problems about guns in the first place.
In fact guys, whether it's guns or cars or motorcycles, if your wife complains or fights you about it, you have a problem!
As for buying guns, I use layaway alot and have built up a good little collection by buying slowly.
Nebob, you're right entirely. Actually, I just took up the layaway theory. You actually have the gun (somewhat) in mind, it calms me a lot.
Locknload. I'm not married and my girlfriend shoots with me also. I just wanted to know if anyone out there is semi-held down by the woman.
Well, I feel extremely fortunate. I can buy pretty much whatever I want, and my girlfriend (Aww, hell, she IS the wife, just haven't had the ceremony yet) doesn't care, as long as the bills are paid. Only other condition is that I "Better not cheat". No ma'am, I VALUE my life! I know a good thing when I see it, and I'm not screwing up this relationship for anything! Of course she might have something to say if I brought home a Barrett M82A1. Whoops!!! I bought more than my fair share this past year, and now I'm feeling a little guilty. But I really want two more rifles, and then I'll stop for awhile (I know, "Yeah, RIGHT!, but I have to convince myself). Then I can turn my focus towards reloading and working up my own loads.