Guns in the NH Statehouse means no student visits

Do they go on any other field trips? Like the opera? A play? A museum? All places where it is already legal for people to be carrying concealed? What about all the guns in the police station! Kids are always going there for field trips. Run for the hills, here come the guns, alive and out of their holsters to eat all the little children!

How foolish.
This is nothing but political grandstanding. As has been pointed out, if this was really the concern they say it is, they wouldn't be taking kids on field trips to too many public places. Heck, how would they safely get the kids there? Afterall, one of the other motorists on the public road may have a firearm. I would very much like to know the political affiliations of this particular teacher's union.
There are probably some teachers who would be in favor of not taking trips to places where carry is allowed. likely many of them were never forced to think about this issue before. Still foolishness.
God forbid the track team or the cheerleaders' bus should stop at a McDonalds on the way back from an event. There might be someone inside with a (GASP!) GUN!

So I guess in New Hampshire, schools can't allow students to go anywhere outside of their gun-free walls.
Hipocracy. From my observation, it is a typical characteristic of many of the so called 'educated elite'.
I don't have numbers for NH, but I know over 2% of the population of Florida has a CWP. It would make some peoples heads explode to think, as a broad generalization I know, but anywhere you are that there are more than 50 people in FL one of them has a CWP. And even @ a 50% carry rate there is probably 1 legally armed citizen in a group of 100.

You probably are in the vicinity of a legal carry every day of your life you go out of your house in Florida.

Reminds me of the policy they put into place after the columbine shootings at my HS, "everyone has to wear their school ID on a lanyard". Procedures for how to handle a shooting, No, ID's for everyone will protect us!!!
Aguila Blanca said:
God forbid the track team or the cheerleaders' bus should stop at a McDonalds on the way back from an event. There might be someone inside with a (GASP!) GUN!

So I guess in New Hampshire, schools can't allow students to go anywhere outside of their gun-free walls.

Pretty much this. The whole scenario is dumb. Sounds like some teachers are trying to score political points at the children's expense. And so much for government in action.
My folks were both teachers and we in part ran the local gun club. I prefer to go places where legal gun owners are at because they are citizens that follow the law and how could I be safer than be with 50 or 60 law abiding citizens legally armed.
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I would very much like to know the political affiliations of this particular teacher's union. copied from #3 post

Democrat just like all others in the US.
Since there is no longer a gun ban in the New Hampshire statehouse, teachers do not want to take the risk of conducting field trips with their students to watch government in (in)action.

To bad they don't want to take the risk of teaching their students about the Constitution in action.
I would very much like to know the political affiliations of this particular teacher's union. copied from #3 post

Democrat just like all others in the US.

Actually, I was referring more to affiliations (if any) to special interest groups like the Brady Campaign or Joyce Foundation.
Live Free or Die my arse.
