guns in Great Britain


Here is an article of interest which I read in the Times of London for today, 16 January.

January 16 2000 BRITAIN

Armed force: police are worried at the escalation of gun crimes, including gang shootings

Killings rise as 3m illegal guns flood Britain
Jon Ungoed-Thomas

UP TO 3m illegal guns are in circulation in Britain, leading to a rise in drive-by shootings and gangland-style executions, new figures have revealed.
Police are concerned that the amnesty after the massacre of schoolchildren in Dunblane in 1996, which led to 200,000 weapons being handed in, has failed to dent the underworld's supply of pistols and revolvers.

Criminals have maintained a steady flow of smuggled guns from eastern Europe, exhibition weapons reactivated in illegal "factories" run by underworld dealers, and guns stolen from private collections.

The estimate that 3m guns are illegally held in the UK - made by researchers collecting evidence for a parliamentary inquiry into the gun trade - is far higher than previously thought. The vast stockpiles of weapons have fuelled the recent spate of shootings in cities including London, Birmingham and Manchester, where a 17-year-old was killed last week.

Research suggests that in some areas a third of young criminals, classed as those aged 15 to 25 with convictions, own or have access to guns ranging from Beretta sub-machineguns to Luger pistols, which can be bought from underworld dealers for as little as £200.

"There is a move from the pistol and the shotgun to automatic weapons," said Detective Superintendent Keith Hudson, of the national crime squad. "We are recovering weapons that are relatively new - and sometimes still in their boxes - from eastern European countries."

In London there were more than 20 fatal shootings last year allegedly linked with the Yardies, gangsters who have their roots in Jamaica, compared with nine killings in 1998. In one, Andy Balfour, 32, was shot with a Mac 10 sub-machinegun, which can fire 20 rounds a second. He was hit eight times. Last July Tim Westwood, a BBC hip-hop disc jockey, was shot by a man who opened fire on the car in which he was travelling in Kennington, south London.

Killings in Manchester included the death last week of Gabriel Egharevba, 17, who was shot by a man on a motorbike in Longsight. It was the eighth fatal shooting in the city in seven months.

In April 1998 two youths aged 14 and 17 were shot in the same area by a gang with automatic machineguns. Detectives say modern weapons are fast becoming fashion accessories among young drug dealers protecting themselves and their territory. Unarmed officers say they risk confronting teenagers on mountain bikes brandishing automatic weapons.

In Birmingham there have been about 100 crimes a month involving firearms since last March, compared with 88 a month in the year ending in April 1998. Two men were shot dead in Birmingham in separate incidents at Christmas.

Anti-gun campaigners hoped the handgun ban after Dunblane - where Thomas Hamilton shot dead 16 children and a teacher - would reduce firearm crime. The latest figures, however, show crime involving weapons is on the increase.

Home Office figures reveal that, overall, armed crime rose 10% in 1998. There were 13,671 armed offences compared with 12,410 the previous year. Experts, however, believe that only half the weapons used in armed incidents are genuine firearms, the others being imitations.

Opponents of the handgun ban implemented after Dunblane say it has failed to cut gun crime because of the multiple sources of weapons available to the criminal underworld. Firearms experts say more research is needed to assess the source of the weapons accurately.

Kate Broadhurst, a researcher at the Scarman Centre, said: "Controls on legally held firearms are clearly unlikely to have much of an impact."

Customs officers do not believe smuggled guns account for the bulk of criminal weapons. Criminals instead rely on reactivating decommissioned guns, such as the 9mm Uzi or MAC 10, or supplies from corrupt dealers.

Home Office officials insist the legislation has cut off an important supply of guns to the underworld. They say the handgun ban was never intended to combat firearms-related crime, but was a direct response to Dunblane, which involved legally held handguns.

"It is lunatic that a handgun ban was imposed which even the Home Office accepts won't reduce crimes involving firearms," said Chris Price, chairman of the Gun Trader Association. "It's not the criminals that have suffered, but legitimate gun users and gun traders."

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And we told them this would happen, too. Glad to see that even British never-do-wells can get their hands on hardware...bodes well for moreindustrious members of US resistance.
I am shocked and astounded! I just knew the criminals would turn over their guns at the same time as the honest serfs in 'er Majesties kingdom. Then there would again be peace in Camelot. Who'd a thunk it?
WHAAAAAT?! You mean to tell me that in a country that doesn't have a gun culture history and extremely restrictive guns laws has a problem with rising gun related crimes?! HOW CAN THIS BE?!

Clearly, the only logical course would be to pass a law that would make illegal firearms illegal.

Ah yes. Great Britain, our test-tube.

- Ron V.


[This message has been edited by hksigwalther (edited January 16, 2000).]
I know this wishful thinking on my part; but you think the powers that be in Britain might some day reconsider their ban on legal handguns?
Well, there's always hope...

------------------ the 2nd., for it saves us all.
No fate but what we make...
But, but, but... I thought guns were illegal in GB? Didn't they say that's why George Harrison was only severely stabbed instead of being shot? I know I feel lots better having a large caliber table lamp by the side of my bed (even has a three-way bulb - thank goodness they haven't banned high-capacity bulbs yet!).

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36

Do you have a link to this story? I have been on the Times and Sunday Times sites and have found nothing.



Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Customs officers do not believe smuggled guns account for the bulk of criminal weapons. Criminals instead rely on reactivating decommissioned guns, such as the 9mm Uzi or MAC 10, or supplies from corrupt dealers. [/quote]


Criminals smuggle tons of drugs annually into countries like the US and the UK, and these pinheads don't think people are bringing in any illegal guns! What a joke! Are they really so deluded that they actually believe this, or is this just what they want the sheeple to believe?

How many containers enter an island nation like the UK in a year? How many AK47's/Makarovs/whatevers can you easily hide in amongst legitimate cargo in the average container? Are drug sniffing dogs also trained to detect gun grease?


[This message has been edited by JimR (edited January 16, 2000).]
Did anyone besides myself catch the stunning admission in the body of the text of this article?

Home Office officials insist the legislation has cut off an important supply of guns to the underworld. They say the handgun ban was never intended to combat firearms-related crime, but was a direct response to Dunblane, which involved legally held handguns.

There. They've said it. It was NEVER about crime. It was a kneejerk reaction to a single nut so they could make it appear that they "are doing something".

We need to rub the noses of every legislator and every anti-firearms nut in the land in this admission. IT IS NOT ABOUT CRIME

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited January 16, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited January 16, 2000).]
For some reason which is to me very unclear, it is not possible to give an exact html for an article in the Sunday Times of London, only for the front page.

To find the article I mentioned, go to the Times of London site, choose the Sunday Times, go to the Contents list, and about halfway down the News section is a heading which reads something like "3M illegal guns smuggled in to GB." That's it. It has a nice picture of policemen.
I decided it would be better to go back and get the exact article title, so here it is:

Killings rise as 3m illegal guns flood Britain

P.S. Be sure you are clicking on the Sunday Times at the Times home page, not the daily Times icon.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Home Office officials insist the legislation has cut off an important supply of guns to the underworld. They say the
handgun ban was never intended to combat firearms-related crime, but was a direct response to Dunblane, which
involved legally held handguns.

Codswallop! Bull hockey! Horse feathers! The hell it wasn't!

I was there, you two-faced sacks, peddle your lies to your Labour buddies who might believe it. The Times beat the 'firearms-related crime' button so hard that it might as well have been a drum. And the MP's and Home Office never said a damn thing to contradict the Times or any other media source--because the damn legislation wouldn't have passed if they had.

Y'all lied, you lied big time, now those lies have come home to roost. Develop some huevos or at least a sense of honor, admit it, and correct your screw-up.


[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited January 17, 2000).]

Repeal a law that guarantees, for the most part, government dominance. HAH?! My bet is that they wil lobby hard to arm police to the teeth like here. All for the sake of the childrun of course.

If stupidity hurt, liberals would be walking around in agony.