Guns in America Interactive - CBS Web Page


New member
Hey, all!

I've been lurking for some time. Thaddeus' post concerning Dan Rather's piece on guns led me to discover this:

CBS News

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Guns In America Interactive" icon to see what further propaganda CBS is proliferating.

Gun control is being able to hit your target.
Well, their data is out of date. There's the usual "kids" of up to 24 years of age. (?) For all that nobody checked the facts of the HCI blather--as usual--they at least had Prof. Lott's comments.

Coulda been worse...
Notice that they didn't have Washington DC stats under "Is your state violent"...Calif. highest despite having some of the most restrictive gun laws.

Another interesting fact: white males are by far more endangered by guns than anyone else...hmmm, given the fact that white males are so vilified these days, one would think why not let them kill each other off ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
A poll where they telephoned 722 adults is conclusive evidence of what?
Nothing At All
Good Shooting, Hank