guns for adventures


New member
What if you were the new Indiana Jones but set in today's time,what handgun would you use?,also would you take a rifle or shotgun along?.
Ever see the evil Biker from "Raising Arizona"?
Something either like that - or like the Adventure Hero from "The Mummy".
Substitute Webley wheel guns for 1911s.

Of Course Neo in "The Matrix" had a really nice kit too.

Too many choices...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
If I were a modern day Indiana Jones?

That's easy... I'd get one of those 40 shot, .50 Desert Eagles... on my back - in one of those "across the back, shotgun scabbards" - I'd have a sawed off, 20 round, 12 G. pump shotguns... strapped to my thigh would be a 12" throwing knife...

... hey... this IS the movies we're talking about! <smile>

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...
The rig that I am presently putting together. S&W md. 58 matched pair 3 1/2 in.bbls. triple lock constuction stag grips, fullhouse customizing by Cylinder & slide.
Marlin .41 mag takedown carbine by wolf customs. Md. 97 12G Winchester takedown.,.32 colt auto, S&W bodyguard .38. Custom Bowie,Carson folder. I have thought long and hard about my travel kit This covers the main hardware. I might add my Inglis HP with shoulder stock as well.


well, I could just open the safe and retrieve my 1917 Colt New Service Amy Model .45acp revolver... (wish i had a matched pair)

or maybe a Broomhandle Mauser in .30 cal, like the Rocketeer...

44 Automag?? (ala Mack Bolan/Warlord) well they look cooler than desert eagles...

hmmm gotta be able to blast mummies, swordsmen, nazis, snakes, thuggie cultists and the occasional airplane lock...

HK P9s 45 auto.. it looks mean and you can really club someone with that triggerguard.

see ya at the movies,


PS if long guns are allowed.. that winchester 1897 trench shotgun ROCKS, as does the BAR.. as for modern long guns, nothing says BOO like an AK (asp in krinkov trim) or a good old m-1a (with a qd scope mount)

[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited December 23, 1999).]
What's wrong with the present pistol? I don't ever remember Spielberg letting him run it dry, and after all, it stops huge fanatical swordsmen with only one shot! Can't fault the gun, it's doing the job. Besides, the way most of these movie guys go through guns(lost, disarmed, fell into a volcano, whatever)you might want to keep the costs down. Get a P-38, shoot through three or four bad guys at once!

That being said, for me, I'd go with a G-17 for the ammo capacity and probably a Win '97 Trench shotgun or Moss 590 in full military trim for the close encounters.

With my shield or on it...
I would give him matched Walther P99's (If it's good enough for James Bond, It's good enough for Indy :)) For a long gun, I would give him the Steyr Scout. (If it's good enough for Jeff Cooper, it's good enough for him!!!!! :))

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!
Indy survives by his wits. The gun is there just in case. He also travels all over the world. My choice would be the Browning Hi-power. Ammo and spare parts avalible just about anywhere on the globe.
I don't really see Indy with a long gun. But, if he did have one, I'd say either a .308 semi-auto or a 12ga. pump. Again its an ammo avalibility thing.