Countering antis...
That all guns are bad, and should be banned, is part of a belief system. You cannot counter beliefs with logic of any type.
It doesn't matter that the belief is illogical, unconstitutional, dangerous to others, or anything else.
If I sincerely believe that the sky is green (for example) no facts you tell me about wavelengths of light penetrating the atmosphere will have any effect on my belief, no matter how provable your facts may be.
The much joked about "shoulder thing that goes up" is another example. This shoulder thing, they believe, is part of what makes guns dangerous killers of innocent children and puppies. That the antis have no idea of what they are talking about is irrelevant to them. They just want all the guns outa here, period.
Unfortunately for us careful, law-abiding, firearm users, many antis are NOT stupid, many are very persistent, some are lawyers, and some have a great deal of money to spend on their beliefs. And their belief systems differ from ours.
Bottom line: Join and support the NRA (whether or not you have quibbles with that organization!) and other pro-firearm groups, become and stay politically aware, support candidates who support your ideas, and if you don't vote in every election, your griping license is cancelled.