Guns Defamed Again - warning anti gun site


No e-mail address, so I thinkered around with the website....guess what? Its a student site on the account of a Sociology instructor at the Univ. :)
Santa Clara Univ is pretty far leftist...have fun!

His e-mail:

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I found this particular "Frightening fact" facinating: "A 1998 study showed that for every time a gun in the home is used in self-defense, there are 4 unintentional shootings, 7 criminal assaults or homicides, and 11 attempted or completed suicides.
Journal of Trauma "

Am I missing something, or would that take a gun with the penetrating power of a .50 cal BMG, and some really precise choreography?
Thanks just sent an email to those as well as to The other gun sites will email them also.
My email -
"Dear Sir/Madam
on the site
my site is incorrectly referred to as selling guns. I
have taken screenhots of the site and unless the incorrect reference is
removed I will take appropriate legal action as my site is being
defamed, I have passed this information on to the other gun sites
listed as well."
I should have said my site and the other sites are being defamed really. Doesn't really matter I could never take them to the court really, but it's fun to say it.
Funny thing is none of the gun sites listed at the moment sell guns on the net. One will be, another is just a gun manufacturer, the other is a English gun shop and finally mine.
All they had to do was look on my site where I list 6 auction and classified sites.
Just a bunch of WOMBATS. :)

I quite enjoyed that,anyone got any ideas for some direct action I could implement on my site, like listing an antigun company on my front page every week, or some sort of email thing.

FREE Gun and Hunting Ezine at

Just a note of caution. I accessed the site you posted and looked around. When I tried to send email my computer locked up and I had to reboot it. I might have been holding my mouth wrong. But I am not going to try again. I have already had to replace a hard drive and mother board due to Virises.



I checked the source code of that page....the putz has a java/activeX movie command. I always have Java and Active X turned off so I wasn't influenced.

The page is a course description for "Sociology 149: Business, Technology, and Society"
His office hours, reading list, course index of student websites....the standard stuff

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
url returns "Page not found".
(Victory, victory, is our cry! V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!)
Well done!

Cheerleader Grump :)
Im feeling a bit mean now.
"Dear Mr. Waples,

Thank you for your message. The site refered to is a student project. I
have removed this site and will discuss the issues involved with the
students who created the site. My apologies for any difficulties this may
have caused you."

Some student won't be having a good day. At least they might learn something from this. I think they were worried about the email from the gunsite who's banner they used. They would have taken action. I do have to give them credit for removing it so quickly.
A win is a win :)

FREE Gun and Hunting Ezine at
School is where you're supposed to learn. If the kids learned a bit about responsibility, perhaps that will offset the Socialist drivel many schools, colleges, and universities pound into the students' heads.

Ya done good, guy.