Guns are not the whole answer

cornered rat

Looking back as Fascist states of Italy and Germany (and to lesser
extent, USSR) we find that lessons of care and use of a rifle or a
submachine gun were often given in high school. This meant that the degree
of indoctrination accompanying such instruction was though sufficient to
make the kids obedient armed puppets.

Next time you talk to a kid, ask them what they have learned in school.
For someone who grew up during the Clinton era ('92-'00) it could easily
mean 10-18 years of age. Consider how much propaganda they got stuffed
down their throats. Arm their minds, though keep other arms handy, too.

If you believe in freedom and means of protecting might be a gun nut.

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited 02-12-99).]
Most of the kids are puppets already, rat. They'll swallow anything teachers tell them. I think that if Clinton wanted to switch to a Stalinist regime on Wednesday, he would encounter negligible resistance on the part of the younger generation. In truth, most of the population wouldn't resist. And let's not forget the roles youth played in other dictatorships; often they formed the fanatical vanguard (Hitler Youth, Red Guards, etc).

I think we're already trussed and basted.
That is why you and yours ought to be first and foremost teachers. My parents were, and that was back in the USSR.

And yes, lock and load and make yourself an expensive prey to hunt...
Mort, this is just quibbling for I agree with the spirit if not the letter of your post. But neither the Hitler Youth nor the Red Guard were "vanguards" in any meaning of the word. The Hitler Youth were formed after the Nazis were firmly entrenched in power and never played any appreciable role militarily or politically nor did the propaganda really take that well. In the postwar period they were easily "deprogrammed." The Red Guard did play a pivotal role in Mao Tse Tsung's power struggle with his opponents in the late sixties but as this was twenty years after the triumph of the Chinese Communists and over forty years after the formation of the Chinese Communist Party, the Red Guard could hardly be considered a vanguard of anything. Maybe a rearguard for the old guard :)
You guys are right about students believing anything a teacher tells them. Refer to my "Second Amenndment According to my Political Science Book" thread. They tell kids this stuff and with no one to dispute it how are they going to know the difference? Parents? HA!! I'm one of the lucky ones who actually has two parents at home. The teachers love Clinton. Like I've said before, the only good teachers in my school are in the shop wing. Oh well.

True Story:

Last year my ten year old daughter was told not to bring a book bag back to school because it had the logo on the Women's Shooting Sports Foundation on it. If you have never seen it, it looks very much like the "Charlie's Angels" Logo.

One phone call later, the teacher recanted, stating that she only made the comment becuase the bag caused a "disturbance" when other children commented on the guns pictured.
Rob, the disturbance was probably in the teacher's head after the kids showed an interest in the dreaded shooting sports :)
The teachers love Clinton because the Teacher's Union does. He has begun the federalization of education, and now they will all be civil servants with their hands in our pockets and we'll never be rid of them.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I afraid its not just the schools. It seems that far too many 90's parents aren't willing to take the time to actually be parents. I've been a Boy Scout leader for over ten years and sad to say that I've got boys in my troop whose parents I have never even met. They think BSA stands for the babysitters association. It all goes back to family values. Pay attention not only to what your kids are learning but, also to who is teaching them.

On the bright side in Scouting subjects such as the constitution, ethics, civil responsibility and personal accoutability come up quite often. One of our goals is building good citizenship. Not to mention rifle and shotgun shooting merit badges. :)
I second that vote regarding the impact of scouting on balancing the totalitarian point of view being conditioned into youth today (Where big brother knows what is best for all of us who must be protected from our individuality). Adult role in scouting on and off for the last fifteen years, most recently as Assistant Scoutmaster and local and council committee work.
Both my scouts have followed up the Shooting merit badges and shooting experience at scout camps (that's what got me into shooting myself a couple years ago) and both are working on the citizenship merit badges. I've had the chance to assist as merit badge counselor on Citizenship. And that gave us a chance to introduce our scouts to the reality of american history and the structure of our government.
I'm not so worried about the baby sitting role we get sometimes, mostly for the boys who need appropriate adult roles the most. I'm more worried about the small growth of new scout enrollment.
I do agree that Boy Scouts is a way to help mold real character in the future generation of Americans.Just another thing we must do to preserve the best of our past into the future.

Jim in IN

Ok, Spartacus, you're right. "Vanguard" was the wrong word. I meant to indicate that young people were the easiest to make fanatics of in the regimes made reference to.
Hey, I just thought of something. In Germany when the Nazis were coming to power, were there people like us? Hell, if it all goes to poo, the people on TFL alone would be an almost-formidable speed bump on the way to totalitarianism.
Yes. Most were exterminated. A few escaped.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Hal is right, but the German Gov. had been registering weapons for years. Even sales between private persons were registered. I'm an LEO and I would never tell anyone to break the Law but it should be kept in mind. I know several Gun shop owners that may have fires in their shops if they come for the 4473s, and I know that a large portian of the people on this board own several "unregistered guns". This is an advantage that they (the Federal Goverment)have so far over looked in most states.
Andy and DC... You have done it now. My wife, a 7 year High School Social Studies teacher has something to say about Teachers, Teachers Unions and Clinton. I'm in the military and have had my first ammendment rights revoked on the last subject. I'm sure she will cover all them just fine. Here she is....
First of all.. no profession has been held hostage by a so-called "Union" like many of the teachers in this country have. Do you realize that in some states by accepting a teaching contract you MUST be a member of the union? Teachers are at risk for being sued and therefore many districts want their teachers to be members for the liability insurance (in my case it was a $1 million minimum). These unions have a captive audience.... Another product of a sue happy world. I despise the liberal, political agenda they chase.
I teach because I love children and believe an education should be of the highest value. I also love social studies- and may point out that much of the discussion of this board revolves around history and political science issues. I am also a mother, a military wife, a registered Republican (conservative), and a gun enthusist (one of my many hobbies-). My favorite is the .308 Ishpore Enfield we own.
I did not and would not vote for Clinton. He has placed many teachers in an awkward position when trying to discuss the current problems in our government.I believe he has done more damage to our political process and has done more to repeal many of our rights than any other American President in our life time. There is currently a suggestion out there that he may try and have the 22nd Ammendment repealed. If it is, he may be able to run for office again- What a nightmare!!
I might also remind you that NO profession out there holds a monopoly on goodness. Not all teachers are good or bad..... My biggest concern with this idea is that your comments do nothing to change anything.... Nor are they fair or realistic. I work very hard and am good at what I do.
One way to change our education in a big way is to vote for school vouchers (something very unpopular with the NEA). Let schools compete for the students and the best teachers, and hold teachers responsible for their work (goodbye tenure...hello real world...). Besides this it would give parents a choice.