Guns are Insignificant


New member
I just spent a couple hours of my life that I'll never get back listening to the CNN democrat debate. Obviously, our lifestyle must be insignificant and not worthy of discussion. The closest thing I heard to "gun" was talk of nuclear weapons in Iran.

Why oh why can't someone stand up and publically ask those people something like, "When you take the oath of office, you will promise to uphold the Constitution of the United States. No matter how you personally feel about guns, what actions will you take to guard the people's rights protected by the 2nd Amendment?"
They probably hand pick who asks questions so they wont put them on the spot.
If it was up to me that would be the only way they would get rehearsing nobody feeding you answers through an ear piece
I'm ok with guns not being on their radar scope. Because I'm 99% sure if they, we wouldn't like their goals. As long as an anti is in the WH, no news is good news.
Really, for most Democrats guns are an insignificant issue. A majority will be in favor of some level (possibly a draconian level) of gun control. But as far is their political radar goes, outside of a certain few politicians and a few localities it's not a real "hot-button" issue for them. So they're not going to spend a lot of time debating what the best specific gun control measures are...just rest assured that all of them will likely favor some level or another.
I think we all know how they feel about guns. They don't have to tell me. I already know what they will do if they get in the White House.
Definitely not a winning issue right now for Democrats. Republicans could perhaps use it to distinguish themselves from Democrats, but the Presidential candidates are trying to appeal to the whole country which includes Texas and Hawaii and everything in between, so unless the Democrats are doing something in that area, the Republicans are unlikely to bring it up.
Open discussion of gun control is a losing issue...

For all the politicians in an election cycle. Thre rare bird that actually wants to maintain the status quo, or Heaven forbid, actually reduce the gun control in the country automatically loses the votes of the (primarily liberal) gun control crowd, and usually doesn't get firm support from (us) pro gunners, because he doesn't (and can't) go far enough. And of course, those openly advocating further gun control don't get our votes, and some of the gun banners don't support them because they don't go far enough to suit them.

Ever since the sleeping giant of gun owners in this country woke up and voted (for once, briefly) back in 94, outraged over the "Assault Weapons Ban", the politicians, and the Democrats in particular have known that an open push for gun control is political disaster. It cost them control of Congress, which they had maintained for 40 years. It wasn't the republican "contract with America" that did it, and while the press ignored the reality (as they always do when it doesn't fit their agenda), the Dems admitted it to themselves. The only politicians calling for more gun control are the usual suspects, those so firmly supported by their home districts that they fear nothing, as the rest of us do not, and cannot have any impact on their re-election bids.

The staggering impact of 9/11/2001 on our national psyche also had an effect on gun control advocates. It pointed out, in clear and bold terms that guns in the hands of US citizens were not the big problem the gun banners always claimed they were. After all, if someone could pull off a 9/11 without using any guns, aren't there more important things to worry about?

So, they won't bring up gun control during the campaigns, if they can help it. They will just keep their mouths shut on this particular issue, until after they are in office. Then watch out!!!
How big of an issue is it???

Compared with education, foreign policy (war and all other matters associated with other countries), the economy, and domestic issues like crime and drugs how important is gun control?

I'm really interested in hearing the answers from other TFL'ers.
True, and so was the Skins and CowGirls

Cow"girls" that won AGAIN against a division "opponent"...makes them undefeated in the division...;)

I just spent a couple hours of my life that I'll never get back listening to the CNN democrat debate.

Anytime you watch CNN is wasted time of your life. What do you expect on softball hard left journalism?