Gunowners rallies in State Capitols


Moderator Emeritus
This was posted here a while back. A member of TFL feels that this didn't receive credibility because of lack of frequent postings. And, apparently he received comments that he might be an anti-gun "plant".
I checked out the site and it seems worthwhile if one is so inclined to participate. Look folks, all of us pro-RKBA adherents are looking for something to help the cause, and this action has no less merit than FOUP or any other grassroots action. The politicos are abandoning us like rats on a sinking ship (appropriate metaphor, no? ;))...thus any public show of solidarity is worthwhile.
Please check out the link to the Nat'l Rally page and think about it.

National Rally

August 21, 1999 at 1:00 PM

At every state capital in the United States in support of The 2nd
Amendment of the United States Constitution

In light of the recent assaults on the second amendment and the
character and culture of gun owners, a grass roots rally will be held
on the steps of all fifty state capital buildings. These will be in
prelude to the national rally in Washington D.C. next year.

Go see your government before it comes to see you!

Everyone likes the idea, so make the idea a reality by being there.
Ask for time off NOW! Tell your friends NOW!
Get involved NOW or find a new hobby.

For more information contact:

National Leaders - Glenn V. Domingo
Home: (630) 435-9915 after 6:30 PM
Pager: (708) 569-9369

Justin W. Gramm
Home: (630) 529-0272 anytime

Alabama State Leader - Ken Mackenzie
Home: (256) 564-7573 after 5:00 PM

I am a contact person for Nebraska
Todd Fangmeier
Home: (402) 768-6702

The other state leaders will be posted sometime this weekend on the
(link below)

National Rally Home Page:

If your State does not yet have a State Leader, contact Glenn or
Justin if you’d like to volunteer!

Chat at: on the activist board under
various threads.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Missed this before. Thanks for posting it :) If they have one in Oregon my wife and I will be there.

Why are they doing this on a Saturday? In Sacramento the Capitol is void of all politicos on the weekend. Seems strange to me.
DC, Thanks for putting this up again.

Mendocino, since we are running on a short schedule, we figured that it would be easier this time to have people come on a Saturday. Our next rally date will probably be during the week, so that we can try to get face to face with some of the legislators.

DrJon, We don't yet have a state contact person in Oregon. Would you be interested? For now, just pass out flyers to businesses that get gun-owner traffic, and be at the Capitol Building on August 21. Not too hard.

See you at the rallies in August!

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left."
Ecclesiastes 10:2
Good Luck BF,

I can't make it because I will be taking my CA CCW class that weekend :) In the future I will be there however.
Bringing this thread back to the top again.

The rallies are gaining momentum, but we still have some states without contact persons. If you haven't been there yet, give the site a hit.

Are you part of the solution, or part of the problem?

See you at the rallies!
State rallies are the way to go. We can't depend on the national organizations to do the work for us. If your local groups organize a rally, make sure you show up. We had over 5000 at our rally in Boston. We received no attention nationaly and the local media virtualy ignored us. The NRA has been demonized in the public eye. A lot of gun owners are afraid to come out of the closet and be idenfied with national groups. Grassroots local organizations are the way to go. It makes it harder for the big media to target you. And whatever you do don't wear cami. We had one guy in Boston with a BDU shirt and cap and they zeroed in on him like stink on you know what. And don't forget, VOTE VOTE VOTE. Support good candidates with time and money. Get someone to run from your local club. Don't get a seige mentality. Fear is an awful thing, we can still beat the bast#$%& at the ballot box.

[This message has been edited by Paul Morceau (edited July 23, 1999).]
Othermarc, Thanks for the interest. What problem in particular are you having? If the hotlink in the initial post isn't working, here it is again:

The March

If you don't see anything for a state, e-mail Justin from the March page. He may not have put them up yet.

[This message has been edited by BigFang (edited July 23, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by BigFang (edited July 23, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by BigFang (edited July 23, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by BigFang (edited July 23, 1999).]