Gunnery Sargeant R. Lee Ermey about Gun Rights

Gunny is the coolest, gun laws suck. California Government needs to be all put down and start fresh with new meat. Pelosi and feinstein need to be shipped to Pluto. Ill pay the freight.
Who here would not agree to a much more expensive(say $3-400 to pay for a real background check) gun license that would then allow you to own/possess/purchase any gun without registering it. No license you can't have a gun.
Who here would not agree to a much more expensive(say $3-400 to pay for a real background check) gun license that would then allow you to own/possess/purchase any gun without registering it. No license you can't have a gun.

That would be ME. I don't see anywhere in the context of the 2nd Amendment that says I have to pay for a license in order to have the right that I already should have. I wouldn't even accept the final offer of 25 cents nor $2500...
Me either, $400 for a gun license. Nope no way. They should stay free. These turds are the ones that are preventing us from getting guns or at least making it more difficult to get them anyhow. Hell I just buy guns from people usually. No background check there. I did buy my Ar-15 and Ar-30 new. Rest are used, some more than others.
purchase any gun without registering it.

Don't know where you are, but in the free world, we don't register our firearms, license or not.
Ive got about 40 pistols and 40 longuns within reach, right now. I dont have a license, other than one for driving. Oh, I will have one in 2 weeks for flying, but not for guns.
Rephrased it. How is this?

Who here would not agree to a much more expensive(say $3-400 to pay for a real background check) speech license that would then allow you to say whatever you want without registering your speach. No license you can't have am outspoken opinion.
johnwilliamson062 - I got a better idea. How bout no background checks, no license, no registration, no nothing. Buy a gun like you buy a hammer or nail gun. Afterall, nail guns are dangerous!,2933,365655,00.html

We don't want to outlaw nail guns, we are for sensible nail guns laws. Junk nail guns and nail gun loop holes should be outlawed. 50 nails per month and micro stamped nail guns are sensible and don't effect any ones rights. Let's stamp out "rogue" nail gun, super dangerous illegal nail gun dealers!!!!
OK, OK, guys. I'm sure Mr. Williamson is just providing an earnest are, aren't you?:confused:

I kinda wondered if Ermey was truly a fellow 2A supporter or not. I just never know how to read celebrities....
I'd like to see an extensive political literacy test before anyone gets a license to vote. No knowledge of individual rights, no vote. ;)
How about a 3 or 4 hunert dollar license so you can post on the internet or open your mouth at a town meeting?