Gunbuyers right to a fast background check


A little over two weeks ago , i fully paid for my first handgun in my home state of florida and filled out the background check sheet.i realize i can pick up my gun after a three day waiting period without having an answer from fdle.although if i do that and later down the road , fdle says i failed the background check , i lose my gun and my money ! So my question is this - what kind (if any) of right s as a gun buyer , do i have to a fast check ? In this day and age , no kind of background check should take this long ! The different states where my records are could have hand written letters to each other and got the answers by now ! Do i have any other course of action here ?
Dumb questions, here...

Did you go back to the gun shop after the three business days expired?
Did they do the "call in" when you went back in?
What did they tell you?
There are three types of responses a shop will get from FDLE.
1) Approved - You are allowed to take possession of the firearm.
2) Conditional - The agency wants three more days to verify an anomaly in your information.
3) Denied - You are denied purchase, and must file an appeal to be reconsidered.

Which did you receive?
I have contacted fdle with the transaction number of the sale and they keep telling me that it is still being researched.they did not give me any of the three answers you stated.
You stated that the background check is being performed by "fdle".
You are in Florida, right?

they did not give me any of the three answers you stated.
The gun shop should have told you what FDLE said, when they did the call-in. And, they should have told you when you can pick up the gun, if they hadn't received a response, yet.

I'm a little confused by your OP (original post).

Do you have the gun or not?

You stated "A little over two weeks ago", you paid for the gun. You filled out the 4473. What happened after that?
Did the shop tell you to come back after 3 business days?
Did they do the call-in, at that time?
What did they say?
Mag12gunner, there is one question you have to ask yourself...

Do you have anything in your past that would prohibit or restrict you from firearms ownership?

Do you have a concealed weapons permit? If the answer is yes, you should have no problem passing the NICS check. That being said, sometimes the system moves a bit slowly.

If you DO have ANY criminal convictions--or even an arrest record--this might be the bump in the road. I would contact the dealership to find out what a current response is.

As far as the NICS check is concerned, it usually takes no more than 3-5 seconds. Yes, I said SECONDS. If you do not have a CWP, in some States (Washington included) the paperwork must be submitted to the law enforcement agency in your area.
I paid for the gun and filled out the paperwork.they called it in right away.the store owner said they would have an answer in a few minutes.i left the store for 30 minutes or so ,came back and she told me she would have to call back on monday after 5 p.m..this was friday when i paid for the gun.she then called me on monday and said she still did not have a response , but i could pick up the gun in two more days.the reason that i won't pick it up before she has an answer is that i will lose the gun and not get a refund.i believe i don't have anything on my record that would prevent me from getting the felonys , no d.u.i.'s , no domestic violence , no convictions on anything.that's where i am right now , waiting with no answer .
It sounds like a "hold" has been placed, if not an outright denial. Contact the dealer again and find out what the NICS hotline told them.
Go get the gun, if you don't have any problems that could prevent you from legally owning it.
FDLE has adopted the rule of, "better safe, than liable" when it comes to approvals.
We have several customers that constantly get conditionals, and they ALL still have their guns.

If the Sheriff does come knocking, you will have more important things to deal with than losing some cash...;)
The dealer gave me a number to the fdle firearm purchase program , i gave them thetransaction number for the firearm sale , they told me the status of the case is "still being researched". That's all they would tell me. Two weeks is way too long for me ! !
A conviction of any felony charge in which you were adjudicated guilty.
A conviction of any misdemeanor domestic violence charge in which you were adjudicated guilty.
There are more stipulations for gun purchases, involving residency and such but those above are the main criminal hinderances.
Also, if you answered any of the questions on the 4473 wrong, that would hang you up.
If the transfer is not made, the gun has not actually been purchased. They cannot just keep your money.

Technically after the three day waiting period he can take the gun home, and the purchase HAS been made. but if the BG check comes up as a no, then the LEA who enforces these types of things will come to his house and request the weapon. that is why he said he hasnt picked the weapon in question up yet. because if the BG check fails, then he is out money AND the weapon.