Gun vs. car


New member
Reading the .44 mag vs car..reminded me of story I heard on the news last week....Salt Lake City , UT.
A man was driving his work truck home in rush hour traffic. He was rear ended by a following car. He pulled over to the shoulder
to see what was damaged/exchange info etc. Before he could
get stopped the car rammed him from behind again. At this point
knowing this was intentional and a real threat, he pulled out his
gun and shot at the car. The car fled asap. The police questioned
him. He said "I have my ccw and a loaded gun, I felt my life was
being threatened so I shot at the car" The police and city D.A.
had no arguement with this. In this case the gun won.
Fairly bizzare! Am I really in Utah....Road Rage in the land of
green jello....Shoot well.
A little time before CCW became legal a old school room-mate and his new wife were on the way to Key West. My friend had left his pistol at home because he knew it was illegal to cross state lines with his pistol close enough to grab. A mean drunk who was looking for trouble, rammed them in the rear. My friend pulled off to the side of the interstate to check the damage. That's when the drunk rammed them again. My friend, my CLOSE friend, went back to ask the guy what his problem was. The guy pulled out a hunting knife and slit his throat, in the dark, right there close to the Jonesboro, Georgia exit on the interstate. My friend's widow told me that her husband beld out and died in about three minutes.
It was very difficult not to seek my "own revenge", because the killer's father turned him in to the police the next day after finding my friend's blood on the truck that he was driving and I knew exactly where he was. My friend and I were on the rifle team together for years. I could have done it from a LONG way off.
I've told this little true story here before.
I just want to be sure you all know that they're out there, willing and able to kill you for the "fun" of it. (Or, for no reason at all.)

There was a similar occurrence in Virginia but with a different ending. A guy was driving his panel truck back to his place of employment when he was rear ended by a man in a pickup truck. He kept going (as he should have), but was hit twice before he finally pulled into the business parking lot. When he got out, the other driver, drunk, got out of his truck with a gun and threatened him in front of witnesses. The driver of the van then flipped his M16 to full auto and gave the drunk half a magazine to think about, ending his ramming career permanently.

The drunk had apparently never noticed that the building said Heckler and Koch, for whom the van driver worked as a demonstrator for police sales. Reportedly, his boss, after stating that the company would pay all his legal expenses, gave him hell for not using an H&K gun instead of the Colt. The case was ruled self defense and the news story was confined to about 3 column inches even in the anti-gun Washington Post.

was rear ended by a man in a pickup truck. He kept going (as he should have),..

What about his his duty to stop after a traffic accident? Did he feel or sense that it was something intentional, rather than truly accidental? Perhaps he felt the Class III cargo was in jeapordy?:confused:
What about his his duty to stop after a traffic accident?
If it is obvious that there are no injuries, you do not have to stop as long as you report the incident within 24 hours.

Man, I would have paid good money to see that M16 incident.
Road Rage is endimic!

I have to drive through some of my state's "Bilghted Zones" a lot more than I want. I have been followed on the highway by 'irate' drivers on more than one occasion and approached by a couple of very upset people when stopped at offramp stoplights (One guy didn't even bother to shut his car door). In all of these instances, I didn't have to shoot someone, but I was ready and able to do so = 2 CCW's in the car and my hand on one with the safety off. :rolleyes: In all instances, the rager came to his senses before the situation deteriorated, and departed.
I wonder if they sensed my 'Tude' and had a return to sanity
before they bit off more than they could chew. Since it's happened more than once, I'd say that the non-bloody outcomes
had a great deal to do with the fact that viewed close up and personal, I just didn't look like a victem:p ...for whatever reason
no one found out the hard way I had my hand on a concealed handgun;)