Gun used in Ft. Worth shooting

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New member
This may be a wholy inappropriate question to ask at this point in time, but I will ask it anyway.

Has anybody heard what type of handgun the suspect used in the church shooting in Ft. Worth? It might be interesting to find out where the gun grabbers are going to go with this.

Thanks alot, guys...

"By His stripes we are healed..."

Hello. A local paper said that one of the pistols, the 9mm, was a Ruger, but gave no further details. That may or may not be true, of course. Best.
I heard the .380 was a Glock.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
According to AP, it was a Ruger P85.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
Probably a Sigma in .380, then.
Who cares? Why make a point that German soldiers used an evil K98 or Russians used an evil M91 and so is the deed that counts, not the tool. Otherwise we need to get tough on those bronze and iron swords that were "responsible" for the Punic wars.
Mr. Rat,

I think it is important to have all the information possible in situations like this. We owe it to ourselves to have advanced knowledge where our enemies (anti-gunners) are going to take this.

If you have all the information, you can fight the war, and win. If you fight blindly, you will take it on the nose. I think we've done that enough, don't you???

"By His stripes we are healed..."

The 9mm was a Ruger and so far the make of the .380 hasn't been identified.
The anti's have acknowledged that the firearms were legally acquired and that none of the legislation pending in Congress would have prevented this crime.
They didn't waste any time attacking GW about his response to the shooting, which was to attribute this crime to "a wave of evil passing through America now."
They also called attention to the fact that he signed the Texas CCW into law and later an amendment that allowed concealed carry in churches as long as they didn't prohibit it.
The fact that neither act in any way contributed to this crime is just another illustration of how small a role truth plays in their rhetoric.
The .380 used was an AMT backup according to the Wall Street Journal. I do not know what type of Ruger 9mm the other weapon was.

Just a thought, but the gun grabbers are more likely to turn their attention to ammo.

Was this guy using JHP's, they are a prime candidate in my view for banning since most other countries around the world allow only FMJ and LRN usage, sooner or later they'll target (unintentional pun) this area for their special attention - remember the explosive tipped .22's that Reagan was shot with, they disappeared real fast.

Mike H
Ironically, those "Davastator" .22s saved Brady's life. They fragmented before penetrating far enough to kill him, unlike a solid .22 bullet.
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