gun transfers


New member
im in a deal of buying a gun in maine an i want to ship it to me in ohio to my ffl dealer how does the guy in maine ship it
so what does the guy in maine do just put it in a box an ship it ? an does it have to go to a ffl holder or can it come straight to me ? is there any thing he has to right on the box ?

The Maine gun dealer will ship it to your Ohio FFL. You will fill out a form 4473 and after passing the instant background check, you'll get the firearm.

As for your other questions, we need more information: Is it a handgun or a long gun? Are you buying from an individual or a federally licensed dealer?

Hi Bill,

First of all, it is completely legal for the individual in Maine to ship it to your FFL himself. He does not need to go through an FFL on his end. HOWSOMEVER... Many FFLs don't like getting firearms from non-FFLs. Ask your local guy FIRST if he will accept the firearm. Also, be sure the guy in Maine includes a photocopy of his driver's license. This will allow your Ohio FFL to properly transfer the firearm to you.

As to how he ships it - that is completely up to you and him to work out. He can legally use UPS, FedEx or the US Postal Service. Just be sure to have him follow all shippers rules and regulations so there are no problems receiving it on your end.

Hope this helps.