Gun Tattoos: A Thought?

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So I'm going to be turning 18 soon. I was never into the whole tattoo thing, where as a lot of people my age think they're total bad boys when they show their off. Anyway, I'm not saying I'm running to a tattoo parlor on my 18th birthday, but just planning ahead, and looking for a possible design I'd like.

Now there are a few things I'm passionate about, and one of those things is, what else? Guns! So I had a thought... A lot of people are either pro-gun or neutral on guns. However, there are still a lot of people who are against guns. So here's what I want to do.

I'd like to find some designs that are aren't too big/silly and something that (pretty much) only a legitimate gun owner would recognize, but someone who is either against, or un-educated on guns, would never understand. Basically, a little "inside" reference for myself/other gun owners.

Wonder if this thought has crossed anyone else's mind? Seems like when people get gun tattoos, they literally get guns tattooed on them, or something clearly relating to guns.

Anyway, would you guys have any suggestions as to what I might want to look at/look for? Thanks!

GEM - I have edited some phrases that are really classy for a family site. Let's have a touch higher literary standards.
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When you see or realise what you want, you will know it. Don't settle for something "just because".
I’ve seen stickers on cars that read 2A to represent the Second Amendment. I suppose you could get that done in some cool looking design.
I kinda like the Ruger eagle. With a little tweaking I think it would be a neat tat.

Seems we had a prior thread here on TFL where guys were showing some of their gun ink. You may want to do a search.
I'm not into tattoos at all.Don't have one,don't want one.I even do not want to encourage you...but

I noticed a fellow had his version of "Molon Labe " on his forearm.It started a conversation.

In Beck's 1791 store there is a historic pictorial logo.It is a skull and crossbones with a crown over it.It means "Death to Tyranny"
I'm not a tattoo guy either, however, a few ideas might include:

1) Gadsden Flag
2) Logo for your manufacturer of choice (Ruger, S&W, Colt, Glock)
3) The "Molon Labe"
4) a simple "RKBA" or "2A"
Another non-tattoo guy here. I had considered it when I was in the US Marine Infantry 30+ years ago but had no idea what might change about me over the years into the future.

I still do think about it once in a while but not seriously. If I did end up doing it I would go with "Molon Labe" in original Greek script.

But the one option I might do instead would be a brand rather than a tattoo. I served with a few guys who had the "Omega" branded on their upper arm - makes a tattoo look like a T-shirt.
I'm not a tattoo guy; never wanted one and don't have any. But, I wouldn't tattoo a picture of a gun on yourself unless you want to look like you are in a gang. Just my opinion.
The best tattoos are the ones other people have on themselves. Enjoy looking at them and keep your own skin clear.
Dislike tats. Don't do it.

Use the money for a new gun or ammo or books on learning about guns. Or candy for your mother.
If you're gonna do it, I'd go with the idea of a tattoo of a gun manufacture. Been thinking of that myself.
Some people like bumper stickers. The day they got a bumper sticker and stuck it to the paint on the car, they clearly thought the bumper sticker had ample merit. It is possible that their assessment of the merits of the bumper sticker, or the display of its content for everyone to see will not seem like such a good idea in the future. The prudent move would be not to slap the sticker on in the first place.

A similar analysis applies to tattoos.
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Here's the one that comes to my mind: I've seen a number of gun tats that look like the guy with the tat has a gun stuck in his waistband. This has always struck me as a monumentally bad idea. I think it's a good way to get shot for no good reason. (Not that I'm convinced there are very many good reasons to get shot.)

Other than that, a "2A" in a cool design might not be bad. As others have noted though, try to look ahead 20 years and think about what the tattoo will look like. Once that big, bad eagle begins to look more like a cross between an ostrich and a owl, it might not be so cool.
Tatoo's are really stupid.

They will classify you as a bum or dangerous.

Of course someone covered with tatoo's will say it's good.

You will have trouble getting a job, permission to hunt, a date with a good looking girl etc.
Your personal opinion about tatoos as a general cultural commentary is not a firearms issue.

Bottom line - if you present yourself in this way or that someone can be offended.

If it is a firearm related tatoo and you come across someone in a legal or personal situation who doesn't like them - they will think badly of you.

Just like if you have a save the spotted gazooboo tatoo and someone hates gazoboos.

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