Gun Shows on Fri. ????


Hi Guys There is a Gun show here in So.Cal. in Pomona on July 9,10,11

I was think of going out there on the 1st day on that Fri.

Are there all the dealers at the show on a Fri. of a gun show? Is it ok to go on a Fri.?
Or will you miss alot of dealers?

It's not that you'll miss any dealers. On Friday, the prices will be higher or firmer.

The deal is, go on Sunday afternoon, when guys who haven't sold much are far more willing to cut a deal. You might or might not miss out on an individual gun deal, but you'll do better, moneywise, on what you do find...
Don't count too much on saving a lot of money on Sunday. Most all of the people selling guns at the shows are dealers now and if we don't sell our stuff at this show, we just take to the next one. This isn't a swap meet. Dealers aren't just trying to get rid of some guns, they are making a living. Some might have Sunday afternoon specials, but most don't. Also, by Sunday most of the good deals are gone and what's left over might not be what you're looking for. Go early and go often.

In case you don't know, the Attorney General of Kalifornica has decreed that everyone selling guns at Pomona must have an FFL. If that is the case, there will be NO PRIVATE SALES at this show. The only people selling guns there will be dealers.

Even though all sales have to go through transfer dealers, private parties could set up and sell their guns, and then go to a transfer dealer to complete the transaction. It looks like that can't happen now.

Also when AB295 (Corbett) passes and is signed, you can kiss Gunshows goodbye. It won't outlaw the shows, but it will make it too expensive to operate with all of the security requirements that the promoters will have to pay for. They will pass those costs on to the dealers and the public. Would you pay $20.00 to $25.00 to go to a Gunshow? I don't think so. I can't afford $150.00 per table to set up either.

It has already passed the assembly and is in the Senate. Call your State Senator and tell them to vote against this bill. Please.


"That no free man should ever be disarmed". (Thomas Jefferson)
Decree is not law. plus, that decree is easy to bypass. "display" item but claim they are not for sale. have interested parties make contact at a later point to set-up all the details.
I hate out attorney General state and federal and global.
Chink, You're right, of course. However, the promoters of the show have already notified the vendors that NO ONE will be allowed to display or sell guns at this upcoming show unless they provide a copy of their FFL and the driver's license number of all helpers or employees as decreed by the AG. So law or no law the results are the same.

If you are not a dealer, you cannot sell or display a firearm at this show. If you do and you don't have the paperwork they will have you removed from the show.

You can't blame the promoters. Their business is on the line here. They have to comply. As it is you can bet there will be more bogus buys at this show and a press conference to show all of the "illegal" stuff that they were able to buy there. Never mind that most of what they bought last time wasn't illegal, and what they showed at the last press conference wasn't all bought at the show.

They have targeted us for extinction and are probably going to succeed this time. We're outnumbered and outgunned in the legislature. They don't have to rely on things like truth and honesty...their motives are pure, so whatever it takes is ok. "For the children", etc., etc. We can call and write letters all we want. It's too late. If we continue to fight this war the way we have been, that is defensively, WE WILL LOSE.

Until we get agressive and start promoting gun ownership for all reasons, from plinking to self defense, we are only delaying the inevitable.

This is not defeatism. Just the opposite. I'm not giving up, I'm just going to go in a different direction.

No more begging lawmakers "please don't hurt me anymore" no more contributions to lobbyists who take our money, have lunch with corrupt polititions and then say "well, I tried, but it just didn't work this time, and, by the way, I need more money".

I haven't figured out yet all of the things I can do, but I'm working on it. I've always felt that the best defense is a massive and decisive offense. What do we have to lose?


"That no free man should ever be disarmed". (Thomas Jefferson)
Sometimes I hate this Great State, but then I look outside and realize, I don't hate the state I hate the freakin people in charge.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Don't hate, Chink. Study. And learn.

The best way to defeat the opposition is to know it. You can't anticipate an opponent if you don't know how he moves, and if you don't anticipate him you will never be able to head him off.

Don't hate, anticipate.

Pogo said it: "We have met the enemy, and he is us"


"That no free man should ever be disarmed". (Thomas Jefferson)

[This message has been edited by Dennis Wright (edited July 01, 1999).]
Dennis - Just received this clarification from Chad Seger who operates the Great Western Shows at the Pomona Fairgrounds:

"Someone has been giving you the wrong information. Here are the facts:

1) If you are currently an FFL dealer we need copies of all relevant documents to that effect.

2) We need a copy of government issued ID for anyone wishing to sell post 1898 firearms as well as those of their employees.

That's all.

Chad Seger
Great Western Shows"

Of course all applicable California laws must be observed including the use of transfer dealers and the requisite waiting period. So far, there is nothing to prohibit private sales in this manner. Where did you get your info about not private sales?

Safe shooting - PKAY
Interesting, what you got from Chad. I have the letter they sent me back in the store and I'll look at again. However, if my memory serves me correctly, (and at my age, it doesn't always) there was no mention that it was just for dealers. It just said that if anyone was going to sell guns they had to send in a copy of their FFL and DL numbers of their helpers. I'll check it again and if I'm wrong, I'll post it here.


"That no free man should ever be disarmed". (Thomas Jefferson)
Well, I couldn't find the letter. It may have gone into the shredder already. I sell guns, but in the store only. I don't take them to the shows so I didn't keep the letter.

Anyway PKAY, I may have just jumped to the conclusion that it meant everyone. This stuff has gotten me so fired up that I automatically assume the worst.

Thanks for getting the right information from Chad and posting it here. I hope I didn't get anyone too upset.



"That no free man should ever be disarmed". (Thomas Jefferson)