GUN SHOWS: Destined for Termination?


I've been reading many posts on here for some time, but have yet to add my two cents. Since I haven't seen any topics dealing with the future of gun shows, I thought I'd ask TFLers what they think is going to happen to them.

Here in the midwest I attend about a dozen or so shows a year. I like shopping, browsing, looking, and sometimes buying (if the price is right). The idea of having an entire arena or stadium devoted to firearms is a chance to be around others who enjoy the same things I do. Contrary to things that are being said in the news, I have never seen kids (without parents) or gangbangers, or spooky looking people at any gun show. The people there are typically respectable, hard working, sportsmen, collectors, enthusiasts, or someone looking to buy their first gun. I've never witnessed any sort of "criminal" activity, or seen anyone misuse a firearm, or anything to bring claim to the justification of a so-called "loophole" requiring closure.

I've found dealers at gun shows to be abiding by every FFL requirement, and private parties just as careful in their sales/purchases. But, I have seen crowds of people, lots of patrons. The shows seem to be getting more crowded, making it difficult to spend any time casually browsing like I like to do. But that's all.

What does everyone else see? Where do you think gun shows are going?

Maryland's very anti-gun Glendening is trying to shut down gun shows at state owned facilities like the State Fair Grounds which hosts two of the biggest shows a year. I don't know if the National Guard Amories come under State or Federal jurisdiciton but I'm sure he will try to stop them there as well.
Lazer--your excellent description of gun shows accords perfectly with my experience of them as well. And yet, in my city, the left-leaning city council determined to stop renting the municipal auditorium to gun shows, even though gun shows had used the facility regularly for many years with no harm to anyone that I'm aware of. The council's decision was purely an arbitrary act, based on nothing more substantial than political correctness. We still have gun shows in our area, but they have had to move to privately-owned and less centrally-located facilities. There is no question that the council's act has negatively impacted our shows.

I think there will be more such harrassment of gun shows as well as outright bans as demagogic politicians and the elite media continue to grossly and wilfully misrepresent them as "arms bazaars for criminals." Most members of the public have never been to a gun show, and are therefore blissfully unaware that they are being propagandized and downright lied to. Barring a change in the political climate and a serious injection of reason and enlightenment into the media, I'm doubtful about the future of gun shows. But hopefully I'm wrong.
I agree with Jimmy.... we will continue to loose gun shows... unless the Emerson case goes to the supreme court and it is upheld... in that case you will see one heck of a lot of suits being filed on just about everything.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Here is what is happening locally to gun shows i have ben going too over the years. The Jefferson Gun Show in Jefferson MD. will have its last show in 1 week. The people at the fire hall didnt want it any more. The Greencastle ,PA show at the car auction site in Greencastle PA will only have 2 more shows. THat comment about Governor Glendening closing down shows at government facilities wouldnt surprise me either. Going to the Howard Ct. gun show tomorrow. Who knows? It may end soon also.
I spent all of last Saturday afternoon at a local gunshow and also never saw any "shady characters." The kids I did see were with their parents, enjoying the guns. It is great to be able to get together with people who share a common interest in guns and RKBA.

We spent most of our time talking to different booth operators about stuff in general. Everyone was very friendly and very professional.

I only saw one guy there selling pre-ban full autos, and he was watching over his guns like a hawk. You couldn't even touch the things! He had two awesome MP5's there for about $10,000-$12,000. AGH! I sure was wishing we could sell our truck, give blood, or sumthin', to get one! ;)

It will really be a shame if gunshows are axed. It is true that the public is being lied to regarding what goes on there. What's really ridiculous is that if gunshows are closed, it won't do one bit of good in getting guns off the street!

"First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
towards thou foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
The Book of Armaments CH 2, vs.9-21
If gun shows are ever legally(?) prohibited I imagine a lot of folks here at TFL will find their net worth tripling overnight. And if conficastion ever starts - all you guys will be in Bill Gates league. I sure am sad I have sold, traded or given all mine away over the years. Woe is me. How could I have been so dumb and I can't even remember who they went to. Must be that "old timers " disease every one keeps talking about.
Gun Show in Salt Lake next weekend...
I am going to be there saturday afternoon.

Any other Utah TFL members going? I wouldn't mind bumping into you guys... I will be the guy who is BROKE! :)

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
My favorite gun show here in Michigan, has already bite the dust. It used to be held at the Gibraltar trade centers, private facitilties. When the city of Detroit filed it's lawsuit against gun manufacturers, the centers were named in it, and they cut a deal to be dropped from the suit if they agreed never to permit any guns to be sold in their facilities again.

And, YES, I am really cheesed off a the state legislature for shelving the preemption statute which might have prevented this. You elect these clowns after they've promised to be pro-gun, and they change stripes the moment they take office!

Sic semper tyranus!
There was a time here in Oklahoma when I wouldnt miss a gun show. I even had a FFL for a while. Gun shows may be forced out by go laws but I suggest that the real problem lies with the quality of the shows themselves. Every time a gun or magazine or ammunition type ban is in the air, prices skyrocket. People simply can't keep up with these increases. The attitude seems to be 'this your last chance' now or never! If we want others to stand with us to oppose anti-gunshow laws they have to have more evidence that gun shows represent our second ammendment right,in its purest form the actual free purchase of arms and ammunition.The genuine passion of gun ownership has succumbed to greed, and the politics of fear. What are dealers going to do with all the guns that don't sell in the event they are made illegal? We need more people to buy more guns now than ever and they shouldn't be taken advantage of inthe process. WHEW, I should feel better now, but I don't.