Gun Show attendance


New member
Gun Show in NE TN this weekend. Attendance was about a 1/4th of normal. All tables were sold and most regular vendors were present. Just very light traffic. Was more like a Sunday morning. A lot of foot traffic was "selling". Did see an unusual number of females buying "hardware". Coronovius-19, the "Boomer-Doomer". Median age of attendees plus vendors; ~63.
thegatman: "Rumor" spread that all shows held in a community facility were cancelled. This one was in a commercial location. I suspect there will be no more until the "Boomer-Doomer" virus has subsided. I'm going back tommorrow and pick up a few reloading components.
All blown way out of proportion. Serious yes but not to the degree the media has pushed the issue/
Like a member of the former administration stated NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE
There are 40 dead in America. Swine Flue killed 3000:eek::eek::eek:

p.s. The Governor of Ohio just announced all bars and restaurants to close tonight and remain closed till further notice. Carry out still allowed
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I'm not an expert on disease, but I think this is over blown hype.

But, I'll say this. The elites tell us to panic over global warming as they fly around in their private jets. When they actually start to panic about global warming, maybe I'll be a bit more concerned. Yeah, I'm looking at you Al Gore.....

Now, this virus, they continue to tell us not to panic... but the bio hazard suits seem to indicate they are panicking a bit.

Is the hype over blown, I think so and I think cancelling everything seems like a precaution rather than legit means to control it. This is monkey see, monkey do.

For example, my local school district cancelled classes last week starting on Monday. If it was that dire, why wait several days between announcing and closing?

Finally, I hit a few restaurants this weekend and all were busy and crowded. Seems like a lot of people aren't buying what the media is selling....

Unless of course you go to Wally World or Kroger and there is no damn food, TP or meds left......

Crazy times right now folks.
Time will tell if over-blown or not, but glad I have plenty of guns, ammo, rations, and toilet paper!
Area show was canceled this weekend, but my shift at my LGS saw every 9mm semi (plus most other handguns), AR, pump shotgun, and most ammo for them, FLY off the shelves on Saturday. Hope we can get restocked in a reasonable time.
Is the hype over blown, I think so and I think cancelling everything seems like a precaution rather than legit means to control it. This is monkey see, monkey do.

We don't have the health care capacity to handle a spike in outbreaks. Taking measures that slow the spread is common sense now. Unfortunately the media has been encouraging us to freak out about everything for years, and now too many don't believe the hype. But the threat is very real this time.
Gatherings of more than 50 people have been banned here in Tejas. Don't matter to me as I don't like crowds. And I'm not anti-social in the least.