Gun Sales & NRA Membership Up!

John Hunter

New member
Just caught a news clip, seems the reporter just could not understand why gun sales are booming and NRA membership is receiving a big boost, all the while the politicians are busy trying to limit our 2nd rights. Guess it will never dawn on these geniuses that people are not buying the "It's the guns" BS!

John - NRA - Lifer
Along the same lines, I just went into to see how "Unintended Consequences" is doing. They are sold out and expect a new shipment in a week or so. There is over 140 reviews with an average of 4.5 out 5 positive review.
I've decided that as long as my finances allow, I will purchase a new firearm everytime Congress or Klinton infringes my rights. I sure do love my new Mossberg 590 purchased after Columbine!
I'm leaving in 30 minutes to pick up my 51st firearm that I have recently purchased in the State of Kalifornia. Although about 15 of these are registered (via the stupid yellow forms), the rest will become my (and my family when I'm dust) arsenal when they come and break down my door and retreive those 15.
I also sent an additional $25 today to both the NRA and GOA as they are still our only collective voices stemming the tidal wave coming against us.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
I'm not surprised at gun sales rising, and NRA membership growing like it is.
There are a few polls on the web that I found interesting. I'll post the URL's but I don't know how to link them so you can link to them. Please excuse my ignorance of computer functions. had a gun poll which they closed up because IMHO it did not go the way they planned. There were other polls started much earlier that they are still running. But then, we know where Time Magazine stands, don't we. It is at ( I tried getting into it yesterday to make copies to send to my illustrious representatives again, but had a great deal of trouble. Anyway here goes:
1. Do you own a gun?
75.51% Yes
24.39% No
2. Should the U. S. have stricter gun control laws?
6.7% Yes
93.25% NO (emphasis mine)
3. Do you believe that allowing people to carry concealed weapons reduces crime?
92.22% YES (emphasis mine)
7.76% no
4. Do you believe that U.S. cities should sue gun manufacturers to recoup money spent dealing with gun-related crime?
1.96% yes
98.01% NO (emphasis mine)
5. How would you rate the effectiveness of the Brady Bill and assault weapons ban in preventing the illegal use and distribution of guns?
0.52 Very effective
3.79% Somewhat effective
6.13% Somewhat ineffective
87.27% NOT AT ALL EFFECTIVE (emphasis mine)
2.23% Don't know
Hmmmm. I wonder why they switched to a different poll. I haven't copied it, but the votes are going against them there too.
I won't enumerate the other polls,but will give the dates. You can access them through their archives. They are at ( Take the poll and it will take you to the results archive. Click the appropriate date and you will have the data. The dates are: April 27, 1999, April 29, 1999, April 30 thru May 5, 1999.
I sent copies of these polls to my representatives, but I guess they didn't even look at them. Maybe if we all sent them to those idiots, they might eventually get it, although I doubt it. All we can do is try.
If you don't belong to the NRA, JOIN! If you do, also consider CCRKBA, 2nd Amendment Foundation, JPFO, GOA, LEAA, Brassroots (May only be in AZ) I belong to all of them. It's the onlyway to fly.
Paul B.
Durn well should be. Bought two memberships for a couple of relatives of mine and one for a buddy.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt