Gun safe ?


New member
Is your gun safe openly visible or is it hidden ?
Mine is in the basement and I would like to hide it or get it out of sight. I am not sure how to go about it. It has a concrete foundation wall on the left and behind it with shelves of canning jars on the right side. How could I hide it or disguise it ?
Drape it with a Ninja cloak of invisibility?

What about a shelf unit on concealed rollers. Put the canning jars and such in that unit and position it in front of the safe. Just roll it aside when you want to open the safe.
Mine is in a closet. I don't like advertising where all my good stuff is located.

I don't know how to disguise a gun safe! Don't forget, you will actually want to get into it, so don't make it too difficult.
Mine are all out in plain sight upstairs in my house..I wish I could keep them in my basement hidden but I don't trust the water getting in so I'm forced to keep them upstairs.
Luckily I have a very dry basement and I put it down there thinking thief's would have a heck of a time trying to carry it up the stairs. But I don't really like it out in the open. I did put a sign on it saying it is rigged with a mercury switch connected to 220volt 150 amp line and any attempt to move it will cause severe injury or death. Then I ran a line to the back of the safe so they could see it.
If they want to get in it they will. Look at some of the utube videos. The get into some pretty good safes awfully quick. As far as electrifying it all they have to do is pull the main breaker. It best to hide them, don't advertise them. Go so far as to only load them in the car when the garage door is closed. You just don't want people to know you have them.
Lives in hall closet behind locked door. No basements in So Texas.
Small house limited places for it.

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Mine is in a closet. The room has a reloading press, though, so anyone who knows what they are looking at might think to look for guns.
You cannot hide everything including shooting related items. Where I live several neighbors shoot on their property so all the neighbors know they have guns. It is a small rural neighborhood where everybody knows everybody.
There's many ways to hide your safe behind shelving, disguised closets, 'etc.
Unless the thieves have purposely targeted your guns, most likely they won't spend the time to break into it.
At least that's what the experts on the subject say.
A reliable monitored alarm system is probably sufficient.
And a recording of a big, mean dog.
My safes are in a closet, bolted to the floor. If someone wanted them, I'm sure they could break them open with enough time/tools. For a druggie looking to grab something to pay for the next high, I doubt they'd spend the time or effort to find them and break them open.
Hide safes as much as possible and don't advertise that guns are kept on the premises.
My safe is not really electrified just a sign saying so for the reason that a burgler would not take the chance and pass it by and look for easier and quicker pickings.
AS for the large dog recording. I have a 95 lb Doberman Pincher that is fully trained to protect family and home.
Mine is out in the open. But to your question about hiding it. Build some walls around the safe, put a steel door with a warning sign about high voltage equipment inside (a friend did this in his garage). He went across the entire garage and built enclosed shelving for stuff on either side of the spot his safe was. "Hidden in plain view"
Common sense dictates that you shouldn't have your safe out in the open, both from a visibility standpoint and due to the fact that it's much easier to attack when standing free vs. being in a corner or a tight closet. This is especially true if for some reason you elect not to bolt it to the floor. Once a safe is on its side or back it is much more vulnerable to prying tools.