Gun safe...what am I missing?


New member
Hi everyone,

I am purchasing a gun safe. I live in a town home without a basement, it is basically a tri- leveled floorplan with the 2nd and 3rd floors directly above the garage. For this reason the safe will be secured in the garage which is not climate controlled. I live in Colorado and although humidity is not an issue here like it is where I am from in Southern Mo. there is still some humidity. I plan on installing a dehumidifier, is there anything else I am overlooking ie..temperature extremes summer and winter etc and solutions? Thank you, Darrin.
We've always lived in areas of high humidity and temperature extremes.
But I've never used anything fancier or more complicated that the basics.
No special equipment, just the usual methods of protection.
And even when leaving guns unattended, sometimes for a few years,
there's never been a problem.
Clean and lube liberally.
Wrap in a silicone dampened cloth for handguns, or similarly treated gun sleeves for long guns.
Put in a reasonably air tight container.
Inexpensive plastic ones are good.
Place them in an upright position, rather than laying down.
The lube seems to last longer that way.
And that's it.
I once forgot and left a shotgun that way for five years without harm.
If you will get a safe with a battery operated lock, then note some batteries don't do well in extreme cold.
Get a couple strips of hardwood flooring, 2x4, or similar, and set it under the safe, to keep it off the concrete slab. You don't want the moisture in the slab attacking the bottom of your safe. Put some roofing felt under the wood.

Just keep the guns clean and oiled, you should be fine.

Don't store ammo or loaded weapons in there.

Don't let passers-by see your safe. Build a wall, hang a curtain, stack some boxes, something to hide it from the neighbors. Loose lips sink ships.
I am going to go with a mechanical lock vs. the digital. In reference to getting the safe off the concrete I had planned on placing the rubber mats that you find in weight rooms.
kilimanjaro said:
Don't let passers-by see your safe.

I find myself agreeing kilimanjaro a lot... I found this image, something like this would be awesome. I try to keep my garage valuables (nicer tools and motorized things) on the side of the garage so you'd have to go IN the garage to see things worth stealing.

Bolt it down!!!

Rash of thefts in my rural area during the day during the week. Theives gain access to the attached garage, back in a pickup and close the door. Gun safes not bolted down get loaded in whole, the house carefully searchd and valuables taken. When done they open the overhead dooor, close it when they leave. Have not been caught yet...