Gun Safe Humidity


New member
Hey guys. So I purchased a humidifying rod for my safe. But not sure if I need the rod? My humidity monitor says that my safe is just under 60% humidity. That is without the rod.

What % humidity do your safes run at? My thing is I do not want to over humidify... Maybe if I keep the rod in there at all times it will act as a dehumidifier if its over humidified.

Or maybe I'm over thinking everything.

Thanks in advance!
Living in Florida, I too use a humidity and temperature monitor. A humidity level of between 45% to 50% in the safe would be ideal, mine is usually around 45%. Too low or dry in a safe and the wood grips and stocks on firearms can dry out and cracking can occur. Too high and of course rust and corrosion will occur on the metal parts of the firearms. I use a small monitor like this one about the size of a credit card.
Yer overthinking.;)

I'm in SEPA and it gets over 90% humidity. Don't know what it is inside my safes with Goldenrods , but I've never had a guns show the slightest hint of rust , but guns left out in non-AC rooms or the garage :rolleyes: have.
I've got a very large safe with a Goldenrod installed. Right now it's reading 76 degrees F and 36% humidity. That's a good place to be here in Alabama where it can become quite humid. I read on another web site several years ago that the danger point is 65 degrees and 65% humidity and up -- that's when rust will start to form. I don't think you can get it too dry. I lived in Arizona for seven years and the humidity was typically 12-15% and I never had any trouble with wooden stocks or grips (or my furniture) cracking.