"gun roster" in Maryland?

Rob Pincus

New member
I learned of something today that I had never heard of before. haveI been in a hole or is this not a well publicized issue?

I bounced through a link on a search engine to a list of the handguns produced after 1985 that are authorized to be in Maryland. Aparently if the gun isn't on the list, it is contraband!

here's the list: www.inform.umd.edu:8080/MD-SP/gunrostr.html

Questions about the roster:

Does it have much effect on the firearm's trade in the state? Or, as I suspect from my look through the list, are new weapons basically added automatically, until the review board sees fit to start dis-allowing certain ones?

Does anyone know if there are strict guidelines on what guns can be left off the list, or is it purely subject interpretation of the review board?
Rob: I can clearly remember when, on a trip to the IPSC National Match in Virginia in 1981 (I was nine), we took a side trip to Washington DC and up into Maryland. My parents both shook their heads at a bill board that proclaimed in 2' high letters that Maryland State Law requires that anyone caught carrying an unlicensed weapon in that state would be subject to a fine of not less than so many thousand dollars, and would go to prison for not less than so many months and years.

Dad said,"This is the first time I ever entered a state and IMMEDIATELY felt threatened, upon crossing the border."

We left.
Being a gun owner in Maryland has not been pleasant under the last two governors. New handguns are not automatically added to the list but must wait until the Handgun Approval Board meet. One of the major problems is that they meet so infrequently you have to wait months until the handgun can be sold in the state so dealers will not even carry them for display. The law was originally passed to limit "Saturday Night Specials" from being sold. What a bunch of crap. I doubt if anyone in their right mind would put the Taurus Raging Bull, Savage Stryker, and Ruger Super Redhawk in .454 in that catergory.

In addition, all sales of handguns (even private) have to go through a background check and 7 day wait period.
The legislation is a real object lesson in clarity:

"The following is a list of handguns manufactured after January 1st, 1985 that have received final approval by the Handgun Roster Board and that are otherwise prohibited by law."

Hmmm, so the list shows "approved" and "prohibited" guns. I looked at the rather extensive list, and it does not have a column indicating whether the described gun is approved or prohibited, so which is it?!? Your tax dollars at work (if you live in MD).

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited July 28, 1999).]
This state of maryland is a nearly pure police state or damn near close to it.At one time,30 years a go, the rural areas ruled the politics of the state and it was a decent place to live. In the last thiry years so much farmland has been destroyed or rather turned into suburbs which now control the state General Assembly. We have a govenor who is a flaming liberal and a gun hater and his LT. governor is a Kennedy. What a combination. We have 2 Senators who keep getting reelected for the last twenty years .Alan Keyes ran against one of them a few years ago and lost. Alan Keyes lost because the dumb Bubbas of Maryland woulnt vote for a black man! And here is a man who spoke for gun rights at the state capital. The state of Marylamd should be abolished and divided up among PA ,Virginia, and West Virginia. First get rid of the DC suburbs and Baltimore City. I feel like I am behind the Iron Curtain and I can see freedom only right across the Potomac River (West Virginia). My wife loves this stinking state!
Ivan you forgot to tell our readers how the Governor got into office in 94. Remember all the dead people who voted. Just hope I get out of this state alive. Of course even if I don't I'd still be able to vote

Handgun Roster Board

The following is a list of handguns manufactured after January 1st, 1985 that have received final
approval by the Handgun Roster Board and that are otherwise prohibited by law. Be advised that
the Handgun Roster has been amended in accordance with Senate Bill 619, Chapter 456 of the
laws of Maryland, effective June 1st, 1994, which prohibits the sale of certain assault pistols in the
State of Maryland. Please consult the law or Firearms Bulletin 94-1, which is available from the
Maryland State Police Licensing Division, for more information on assault pistols and Senate Bill
619's prohibition on certain detachable magazines with a capacity of more than 20 rounds of

It is unlawful to manufacture for distribution or sale or to sell or offer for sale in Maryland any
handgun manufactured after January 1st, 1985 that is not officially on the Handgun Roster,
except for the manufacture of prototype models required for design, development, testing, and
approval by the Board. Neither the State of Maryland nor any agency, officer, or employee of the
State assumes any liability for injuries caused by any handgun on the Handgun Roster.
i was in a MD gun shop a couple o months ago
a guy wanted to know if they had a new Ti revolver

they had they gun but could not sell it until it was on the MD approved list

i gather the law prevents junk handguns but it does inhibit new modles from being sold right away...

i wonder how long smart guns will take to get on the list?

Guttsmoke, no one would believe how they rigged the vote in "Ballmer "city with all the dead voters. I have a feeling these criminals who run this stinking state are getting ready for some Kalifornia style confiscation. These cops in this state will be cr-----g in their you know what for the opportunity to seize our weapons. One can just sense the evil of these reptile politicians in this state. Pure evil. From what i can see the only worse states to live in are Kalifornia, New Jersey, New York, and Conneticut . But we are gaining on these states real quick. By the way watch out for the cops in Frederick county. They beat up a diabetic man and roughed up a woman going too slow on the highway last year. It is unbeliveably.
Ivan- I'm afraid your right I can tell by my other post that their are some in the group that have the opinion that I belong in a rubber room instead of a gun room. I'm afraid they just don't get it. Or maybe they get it but they refuse to beleive it.

"Solidarity is the Key"
Guttsmoke ,they are in denial and we waste our time.There is only a small percentage of people that really understand what is really "in the wind".
Hey Ivan...

Isn't your Governor some kind of convicted felon or something? I vaguely recall something about incredible illegalities associated with him last election and folks were stunned he actually was re-elected.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Following the link provided by Jeff, I was a bit more concerned with this part.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Troopers will be trained and encouraged to strictly enforce motor vehicle laws and look beyond the initial traffic stop for criminal and firearms violations.
This seems frighteningly close to 4th Amendment violations, if I'm reading the intent correctly. Maybe it's just me, though.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
I have the misfortune of living in MD. To say that they are anti-gun is the British understatement of the Century. The backlog on background checks is outrageous and there have been many documented cases of foot-dragging deliberately by the State Police recently. In addition, you have to be the Messiah to get a CCW in this state. The politicos in MD have never met a gun control law they did not like.

This gun roster is a wonderful way for the State to restrict the legal commerce in firearms under the guise of doing more against crime. We all know that the vast majority of criminals do not go to local gun shop to buy the gun!

Trying to get a gun onto the list is a major hassle and requires a written petition, or so I was told. To make matters even worse, there are no set meeting dates for the regulatory body. What a crock!!
true gun roster story...

i have been reading about the SW-99 pistol.
a buddy in PA has one he wants to sell
i called an FFL to see about the transfer,
sw99 is not on the MD roster list!
i called the state office in charge,
Smith & wesson did not send them a demo and
no one petitioned for SW99 to be judged.
the lady at the roster even has a clipping of a sw99 ad on file but no one requested a ruling. the walther p-99 is already on the list!

i called another gunshop
the owner told me he has bought other guns as samples, sent them to the state and a year later they make the ruling

the roster board met last week
next meeting is in december.
if they judge the sw99 in december i can prolly legally buy one in january-feburary 2000.

i could buy by friends smith from him and have it stored at the FFL shop and visit it on weekends until the papers process on this model. If they judge the gun design fit to sell...

Violate the law and buy the gun at a gun show without papers and we have a double felony
one for the buyer and one for the seller.

Guess i will buy another pistol.

see the post
for the full text

Do not support "tolerable"
unconstitutional gun controls to appear reasonable, or in return for a sucker promise to back off on other gun controls.

Unfortunately over the years NRA has done this at times. In 1988 they made a compromise to get the Maryland roster
board that now decides what handguns can be sold in Maryland. The NRA State Liaison called me late at night to tell me AFTER the fact. I wrote and help bring to a vote the
Maryland referendum to try to stop the law from going into effect. This did fail because of the police raid on the
headquarters of the Maryland Committee Against the Gun Ban the night before the election. The TV stations left the
voters with the impression the pro-gun side was doing something illegal. (The anti-gun politicians used the tactics of
the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s.)
Another problem in Maryland. Very few dealers bother to submit a new gun to the board, and as noted above, the board will not review any gun unless it is submitted by the manufacturer or a dealer (only a dealer can get the new gun until it is approved, so no one else can submit it).

As long as the dealers can make money selling the same-old same-old, they won't bother even trying to get anything new approved.
