Gun Reviews


New member
Does anyone besides myself go to you tube to see gun reviews. I personally go straight to Hickock 45 for anything handgun or lever. I wish I could shoot that good.
I watch reviews on any guns, ammo, and accessories. I also love anything that gives me a history lesson on firearms. Forgotten weapons is a great channel.
I'm guilty as anyone for using YouTube as a convenient source of info about a future purchase for everything, not just guns.

I also browse for entertainment; I'll never shoot like Jerry Miculek or Bob Munden, but they're a lot of fun to watch do their thing. And every once in a while I do end up learning something from what was supposed to be purely entertainment.
Been watching youtube for gun stuff for 4 years now. My main reviewers are Nutnfancy, Paul Harrell, InRange TV, and a little known guy named Jeremy S.

I use to like Hickok, but not anymore as he's become boring. It's nice that he can recite what others say on forums who know more than he does on a particular gun/ammo, but he's not an expert on much. He's experienced, but not an expert.
Nope, I am a reader.

U Tubes are good for mechanical in my world, tearing things down and back together.

Mostly not gun, can see all the issues before you run into them, adjust from the U Tube if needed before you tackle.

Some things just don't translate for me from the visual.
U Tubes are good for mechanical in my world, tearing things down and back together.

From what I've read and seen on the news, not anymore. Apparently following the Parkland, Florida shooting, U-Tube has joined the many others curtailing services to shooters/NRA members nationwide. I hope I'm wrong about this "update".
Me too. I can get some rifles apart. Need you tube to put them back together. A gunsmith I'm not. Bolt actions fine. AR and levers not so hot.
YouTube is like Wikipedia. Anybody with internet access can post there. Don't get your education/training/opinions from either.
" put them back together..." Read the manual. Mind you, a lot of people take stuff apart that doesn't require a complete disassembly except to replace damaged/worn parts. Trigger groups, for example.
I'll agree with taking apart/putting together. Just because the manual says something, I don't always fully comprehend without seeing exactly what they mean. Case in point: before going to the range with a buddy, we couldn't get his M1A apart. After reading some forums, still couldn't get it. Watched a video, finally got an idea. Now I could probably take it apart in my sleep. It's all about that tactile feel, but without seeing it, reading want good enough to understand.
For entertainment purposes YouTube is fine....but, for the most part, as far as actual experience goes I don't trust anyone else's opinions about's far to subjective. I've owned more guns than I can count that "internet warriors" have universally panned that turned out to be great.

Of course personal experience is the best teacher.....If I take a chance and it turns out to be a dud I simply move on.....but it's rare for me to screw up these days gun wise....I did enough of that when I was younger to know what's junk and what's not.

Most of the gun guys on YouTube are annoying and tend to have an inflated sense of themselves and apparently like to hear the sound of their own voices. I'd much rather read about something that I'm interested in....Watching mindless videos of some camo-clad commando overusing terms like "minute of angle" or "spin drift" leaves me scratching my head as to how anyone could make it through the first few minutes of any of their material let alone an entire review.

In all fairness I guess Hickok45 isn't too least his articulate and somewhat methodical about how he presents the information. Yes, he can drone on sometimes but as I understand it he is a teacher of some sort and they've been known to do that from time to time.

A camera and an internet connection are the only things needed to put videos on YouTube.......Unfortunately an average IQ and a basic understanding of the English language are not prerequisites.
For reviews on firearms i usually come here.
When it's an unknown i will search out other places for information.
I like the videos of sto ks being shaped, and that sort of stuff. When I need pertinent information and old hard facts, I just use this forums search engine and look up all Tim Ohears replies, Im a believer....
Hooligan1 said:
When I need pertinent information and old hard facts, I just use this forums search engine and look up all Tim Ohears replies, Im a believer....

Okay don't read this while you have hot coffee in your mouth, computer keyboards don't like it and it burns twice as bad coming out your nose.
Quote: taylorce1,
Okay don't read this while you have hot coffee in your mouth, computer keyboards don't like it and it burns twice as bad coming out your nose.

Sorry dude, didnt mean to foul your sinus with java. But pertinent info is King here....