Gun related things you are excited about

Creek Henry

New member
For me about all that jumps out is the .22 Nosler. The 223 never called to me but the Nos looks like a more serious 1000 yard gun.

How about yous guys?
I get excited about .50 BMG API rounds and MK211 Roufoss rounds going through both sides of old Volvo engine blocks. :)
Im excited about some of the gun legislation going on in my state.. although most of it Im not optimistic will pass.

Im excited to be closing in on the last few parts I need for my AR builds.
When I got to the range and shooters on either side of me are shooting massive amounts of 223 rounds and leave their brass... it's the little things in life.

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I'm excited at the prospect of less expensive and much more hassle-free purchase and use of suppressors. Fingers crossed...
A little bit different but - -
I like the sounds of guns.
Racking a pump shotgun, working the lever action of a Winchester or Marlin, the click-click-click-click of a Colt SAA 1st generation being cocked, the ka--BOOM of a flint lock,,,.....

Maybe excited isn't the right word here though...;)
I'll go +1 with the suppressor crowd.

It cheers me a lot that there is so much support to get this restriction lifted.

I'd say no restrictions on suppressors would REALLY be 'common sense gun laws'. :D
I'd say no restrictions on suppressors would REALLY be 'common sense gun laws'.

I fear if the Pelosi crowd ever gets back in power they may think the same. And require all handguns and rifles to have suppressors permanently welded to the barrels. I like suppressors too; I just don't want them to EVER become mandatory.
The prospect of handloading self defense ammo for handguns that will cost less than half the price of factory loads and perform even better in MY guns excites me.

Finding out all the guns/accessories that I bought that people on this forum and others said were "difficult to shoot accurately" or were "inherently inaccurate" or were "just plain junk" and turned out not to be any of those things excites me.

When I see that 20 minutes before the end of the auction on gunbroker that there are no bids on gunbroker for an item that interested me excites me.

When Ruger comes out with a new revolver, I get excited.

But most of all, Liberte Austin and Banshee Moon on Youtube excite me <3
I get excited about .50 BMG API rounds and MK211 Roufoss rounds going through both sides of old Volvo engine blocks.

what did those Volvos ever to to you?

why waste them by shooting them? taken care of they are still great daily beaters

I still see volvo 240s rolling around here