Gun Registration...?


New member
What's the deal with registration? Hasn't it been deemed unconstitutional to require it? Does that apply only to nation-wide, federal registration, with the states left to make up their own minds? Can you summarize the case law for me?

I started thiking about this after reading the 'Registering an SKS' thread.

You might say there is already defacto national registration. All the records turned in by defunct FFL's are being computerized as we speak. A private outfit is doing it so the government can say they are not doing it directly. And of course, you now have the Instant check database that will be there forever no matter what the law is.Also, it is a simple matter to transfer local records to the feds also. Things can happen very fast in this computer age.
The "Registering an SKS" thread pertained only to California law. They require that certain so-called "assault rifles" on a list be registered with the state. California law also requires that all handguns be registered with the California Department of Justice.