Gun Range Shooting?


New member
I just heard a report on the radio about a woman who "barricaded"<--media term, herself at a shooting range and commited suicide.
Does anyone have any more info on this?
Here's an article from the Associated Press. I am still looking for info from a more local source that may give more details.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Woman apparently commits suicide at firing range

BROADVIEW HEIGHTS, Ohio (AP) -- A 32-year-old woman who brandished a weapon in an indoor firing range shot and killed herself after an eight-hour standoff with police.

No one else was hurt Sunday night. Police SWAT teams safely evacuated patrons from the Stonewall Limited gun shop and range in this Cleveland suburb.

Police and the Cuyahoga County coroner withheld the name of the woman until her family could be notified.

Police were called after she brandished a weapon she apparently had paid to fire. No motive was suggested.[/quote]


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
Not much to add -- here's the current news --

Woman kills self after standoff
Monday, November 29, 1999

BROADVIEW HEIGHTS - A woman at a public shooting range in Broadview Heights shot herself last night after a six-hour standoff with police.

Police declined to release the woman's name but said she was 32 and lived on Cleveland's West Side.

Broadview Heights Police Chief Robert Lipton said the woman entered Stonewall Ltd. Gun Shop & Pistol Range on Ken-Mar Industrial Pkwy. about 2:30 p.m. and rented a handgun about an hour later. Lipton said she then joined about 10 other customers in the shooting range. The chief said the range was evacuated after threats were made.

At first, the woman would not respond when police tried to communicate with her. Eventually she spoke with officers from the SWAT unit but then would not communicate anymore.

At 9:15 p.m., police heard two shots from a booth at the far end of the range. They found the woman had killed herself.
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The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
There were a few suicides at a Denver range a few years back, which put an end to gun rentals.

Keep in mind that suicidal people will always find a way - don't let any victim disarmament proponents spout about the gun being the problem (see Japan).
The Friday after Thanxgiving I was to go shooting with a friend who recently left the Air Force at Stonewall and also pattern my shotgun. That fell through. Saturday, I was out of town. I was thinking of going Sunday afternoon but opted to accompany my sister and friend on a furniture hunt for their new house. We actually happened to drive by Stonewall on the way back (~4:00pm) and I noticed a couple ambulances. Thought maybe someone from one of the nearby industries had fallen ill or was injured while working on a Sunday. Thought nothing much of it.

Got home and turned on the TV. Local news had a reporter at Stonewall and had interviewed a few patrons. [Information from the interviewed.] Apparently, the woman entered Stonewall ~2:00pm (about the time I was considering going there to shoot) and had rented a Beretta (as reported by the correspondent, model and caliber not specified). After a short period of time, and employee entered the shooting area to sweep up some of the empty casings. The woman then started recklessly waving the gun around while talking to the employee. (The content of the discussion was not clear.) The woman then eventually stayed to one end of the shooting area with the gun pointed upward, under and against her chin. The police and regional SWAT arrive and the customers were evacuated. I might be mistaken, but I thought it was said that relatives were called in the help defuse the situation. Eventually, she had fatally shot herself. No information, except what has been provided here, was given concerning the mentally/emotionally unstable individual's identity and mental state.

- Ron V.
