Paul Revere

New member
My best friend is a carpenter in a big city. He and one of his co-workers went into a federal building to do some work. They were stopped to clear security, and somehow they were asked if they owned firearms. The security officer proceeded to punch the co-worker's name up on his computer. In a few seconds, a list appeared with every firearm he had purchased through FFL dealers in the past five (5) years. I wouldn't have believed it, if it hadn't been someone I knew from childhood who had witnessed this.

This concluded to me, as it should to all of you, that the filling out of the federal form while purchasing a firearm from a licensed dealer, registers you and your firearm with the BATF. Those who suggest that it doesn't, are either proposely fooling you or ignorant of the facts behind this registration scheme. The NICS system has just made the process of registration more streamlined.

This is the reason behind the alledged "gun show loophole" that we keep hearing about. Private parties with tables at gun shows have not been in the registration loop. The new juvenile crime bill will eliminate that registration loophole. Look for the next tragic incident to focus attention on "all private sales". This would mean a sale made between relatives, friends, or neighbors would require a "background check" and instant registration through NICS. The fed cannot eventually disarm Americans without knowing who has them and where the firearms are.
Howdy Paul,
Let me guess. This was in California, right?
If not, things are worse than I thought. I bet pre-1968 firearms without serial numbers will be a hot item soon. I am really beginning to hope the government's computers do crash from Y2K.
well, i sold all my guns a long time ago, i only have a slingshot. gee, i wished i could remember who i sold them to. there were just too many people to keep up with, and i can't recall what happen that long ago.

fiat justitia
He he he...

Yeah, ME TOO! I thought his name was Sherman or Ziggy or something like that... Dilbert maybe... He bought all my guns and ammunition too...

Nice guy... forgot to get his number though.

Actually this happened in the Midwest. You can guess the city.

I wouldn't expect the BATF to do door to door searches for firearms which are listed in their vast registration software, asking friendly questions like, "Sir, may we please see the three pistols you bought at ABC Gun Shop on April 3rd, 1996?" They are much more likely to storm through your front door in the middle of the night armed with computerized warrants and HK's, full body armor, night vision, and laser sighting. Asking questions only once you are detained and cuffed with your face buried in your bedroom carpet. Some have suggested that the BATF and CIA have retained the services of major street gangs for the purposes of expediting these door to door entries.

Expect several more waves of tragic domestic incidents that will lead to even stricter controls. A major incident like Y2K, could present some very interesting scenarios like "marshall law". A literal key to your front door.
While traveling thru the Ukraine one day I watched an old woman pouring oil on her flower garden, Thru an intreperter I inquired why was she pouring oil on the flowers and not water. She said her deceased husband had captured some guns from the Germans in the Great Patriotic War and they must be cared for and water only rusts the metal and the oil will keep them ready for when my son digs up them up. I thought that this was a wise family. Got any oil on the daisies yet?

[This message has been edited by Gunfounder (edited June 09, 1999).]

Do you have the same make and model sling-shot as I do? I've sighted mine in dead on at 25 yards and with a .50 ounce rock it's shooting about 257FPS at the Y. That's all I really need, and all I want...
Sneak, i must confess that i have stockpiled
alot of the steel balls in assorted sizes (before they ban them). I too sighted mine in at 25 yards. I can shoot anywhere from 1"-1 1/2" groups at that range. I've been looking for some armor-piercing ammo for it, but have had no luck so far. It must already be banned!!!

fiat justitia
longhair and kodiac: LOL! Most of mine were stolen, though. I saw the theives making their getaway. A gang of hoodlums and their leader, a fat New-York-attitude woman - same lady with the afternoon talk show in fact. I don't have a slinghot, though - too dangerous to the public. All I have left is a stun gun - it's really all anyone would ever need for defense, anyway.

Damn, that is scary and it's also the only good reason I can think of to pay the (mostly) exhorbitant prices of guns at gun shows, which I will do from now on - at least until the new gun show NICS, oops I mean registration, bill passes.

I can't believe those rat bastard feds have got us logged in the computer, in direct contradiction to the 1968 law prohibiting this (if true/not a state law thing, as rapidfire suggests may be the case).
Yes, it's illegal, and yes, the Feds have been caught bragging about doing it before. So what else is new? Probably only that they've been educated since not to tell anybody they're doing it in the future.

Fact is, anybody who thinks that which goes in a computer does not end up in the hands of the FBI or whatever (including this message) is just dreaming. That's why I surrendered all hope years back and sold every weapon of any kind in my house which had not already been stolen. And if you believe that, bust down MY door with your flak vest, *******, because I DID get the armor piercing ammo for the AR I no longer own.

Larry P.

You mean yours were all stolen too?

Gee, wotta coincidence.

"Sorry, Mr. ATF Guy. I've got the police report around here somewhere..."

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe