Gun publications


New member
So, what do you think of the gun publications? I am interested in hearing positive as well as negative remarks. In the past, I know that many negative remarks about such publications have been made here. If you dislike them, I would like to hear specific examples why. If any editors of the gun rags are looking in, I am sure they would appreciate the constructive criticism.
I've been happy with "Guns & Ammo", in part because of the legislative coverage and Cooper's column. They do pretty good at finding info I haven't run across elsewhere, and have a broad coverage of shooting in general.

"Combat Handguns" has interesting columns, but I'm not particularly interested in the newest black plastic fantastic double-action-only 9mm. Or in the umpteenth comparison between Cartridge A and Cartridge B...

I like G&A also. They cover a wide variety of firearms and topics. Not to mention if you receive those American Family Publishers (I don't know who doesn't), you can get a year's subscription for around $12.
At one time or another i have subscribed to just about the different gun magazines. I gave up SHOOTING TIMES and GUN WORLD because the quality dropped. ST after Skeeter died and GW after they started printing the magazine on pulp paper for half each issue.

GUN GAMES is another magazine that I will not renew when the subscription runs out. If they stay in business that long. The entire editorial staff seems to have a "holier than thou" attitude because they only cover the shooting sports and have no interest in self defense or legislation.

As to the rest, I like G&A for Cooper's and Bart Skelton's columns. Bart is Skeeter's son. A good writer in the getting better stage. I read them all but not every issue is a winner.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I have been reading assorted gun magazines for nearly thirty years, having started with scrounged copies of "The American Rifleman". You name the magazine and I have read it or subscribed to it at one time or the other. In addition I have known/met/or been around several gun magazine writers during the same time. There are several that are knowledgeable and have professional integrity and several that I would not trust to take out the garbage. At present I am back to reading "The American Rifleman" and a few law enforcement-geared magazines as well as the occasional purchase of gunsmith-related materials. In my opinion the best information source on firearms and shooting in general is this website here. I sincerely hope it and others like it put a couple of "gun writers" in the unemployment line.
Take care and God bless,