Gun Problems - Jennings


I wanted to know if anyone out in Cyber land could please tell me how I can fix my jennings 9 MM, the problem that I have is the Magazine release button came out after I took out a empty magazine to load it. If you can Help me pleaselet me now.
Thank you
Dude, good luck I would take it to the shop you bought it from ask them to take a look at it. It might even be a paper weight now, sorry.
Unfortunately for you, Jennings sits low enough in the gun manufacturer's totem pole that most people don't see much point in repairing or offering parts for them, I agree with taking it to the shop and seeing if you luck out but you might not get the answers you're looking for.
Well you could try Numrich gun parts online or contact them. They have parts for all kinds of stuff, maybe Jennings too. They have parts for some lines of economical (let's say) guns going way back, but it might be hit or miss, the parts may be used but serviceable. You might have to give a request and as much info as possible and they will check their parts bins. Their inventory has not been too organised or computerised in the past on odd parts, therefore some patience might be called for while they check for it. If you have an exploded view of the gun that is helpful too.
IIRC, there is no "button" as such, the mag release being one piece that extends across the grip. If so, the release could be broken. Gun Parts Corp. lists a 9mm Jennings, so you might check at to see if the gun they illustrate is the same as yours.

Contact Jiminez Arms in Henderson, NV - they are the current incarnation of Jennings/Bryco and they will sell you the parts directly. Good luck with it, I've been trying to fix a Jennings Nine for my brother and it seems that as soon as I get one problem fixed, something else breaks or malfunctions. Just forewarning - don't spend too much money on it, they're generally not very robust.
I had to repair a few of these within days of the customers purchase, it doesn't take long for repairs to cost more than the pistol...the main reason I quit selling them. :barf:

Get a low-to-medium grade hacksaw
Now that's funny.