Gun prices in your area?


New member
I just stopped in one of my local spots in the Berkshires for ammo which ofcourse was a joke. As I was leaving I browsed his new gun counter and they had j frame airweights for $699-799!! Yikes!...MP shield45 for $549. I can't believe these prices....never shopping there again. I mean c'mon man, j frames sell for like $400 ...right?
Best buy while you still can, even at current prices. With the powers that be, which will most likely continue, none of us will have a chance to buy any firearm at any price.

I bought my Wood stock, SS Mini-14 NIB 2 years ago. Had it shipped to my local FFL. "Wow, you had to pay $800. for this!?"
If they sold it at prices that you thought were fair in the current market—- they would be out of stock.

Your vision of a fair price is currently way below the market price.
Folks who are directly involved in firearms/ammo sales and those of us who are retired and find ourselves in stores more than 4 or 5 times a week have watched this evolution during the past year. No one likes the price/inventory or pipeline status but the political/Covid twist on stuff is where we are. World supplies and deliveries have been limited for a year. When that happens someone is gonna offer more money for steel, plastic, fuel and labor. Survival mode prevails. When the product gets to the delivery end the price goes up. This is not rocket science but it is basic economics. Retailers cannot remain in business without product and some profit. It appears some are quick to judge.

Next time someone complains that a year ago they paid $xx for something, offer them their money back plus standard COL index plus and see if they sell.
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I do not have a clue how my LGS even stays in business. What guns he has to sell are over priced and there is not any ammo to go with them. Yes, People can find a box or two at some outrageous price somewhere in the US. But not easy. And why buy a expensive good quality firearm that they will only shoot a box of ammo through it? A thousand rounds of ammo which most enthusiast would shoot in a month is now more money than a good quality firearm.

Edited by staff to remove off-topic, political material.
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Mrs just got her carry permit & asked me how I would feel if she bought he same gun I EDC. I liked the idea & advantages of sharing the same magazines, etc. so she bought a brand new P365 that came in what SIG is calling a Tac Pack with 3-12 round magazines for $550. Works out to a better price than mine that’s 2 years old as I had to buy the 12 round mags separately at the time-so not everything is crazy priced right now.
I was looking for a Kel Tec truck gun for the wife.... $400. Gun prices are insane right now.

I'll continue to look among friends on the secondary market and hopefully find something reasonable that route.
I get more money on a regular basis. I don't get more time (non of us do) and right now it looks like I may not be able to get more guns on a regular basis.

When the panic over assault weapons first hit, I sold a $450 AR clone for $900. This time around, I'm hanging on to what I have left.

You do what you think is right, but if the kids have shoes, everyone has enough to eat and your bills get paid, the rest is your call about whether its worth the money, or not.
I really do not know if there is an increase in my area for a couple of reasons. First, when times are like they are now and everyone is panic buying I do not go look for anything shooting related as I make it a point to always be well stocked from firearms to components.

Secondly I order from the P.X. and I do not have to pay taxes on said firearm.
Maybe I lucked out but when I bought my S&W's last summer/fall I paid regular retail for mine. Granted, I had to wait 3 months before I received my M&P 2.0 but I didn't overpay.
I bought two rifles from two different LGS recently and paid ~30% off MSRP for one used (but like new), and ~15% off MSRP for a new in box (had my choice of several so I could choose a stock that I liked.) Pistol prices are similar.

I don't visit or purchase from the ones that are NOT continuing business as usual. The exception is the closest range, I pay for membership so I can shoot as much as I want for $25/mo. Their prices are unreasonable, but they were before this latest blip anyway. I've never bought anything from them (well, targets excluded.)

I do understand that is not the case in many places without the choice and competition we have in metro ATL.
I got a Garand for $650 from the CMP and a S&W pre model 10 for less than $400 so far this year. My buddy recently picked up a double barrel BP coach gun for $100. You just have to know where to look, and what to look for. It also helps if you enjoy a variety. I’m counting on BP to give me many years of fun no matter what happens.
Most places I have been in lately have only a few guns for sale but it doesn't matter because none of them have ammo. The prices have gone up a little but no ammo makes them useless.
AR's are over $1,000 in most local shops. Almost $500 for a Smith Sigma pistol. Lots of Canik pistols.
In a few years I think it's as likely as not that you'll be kicking yourself for not spending $699 for a J frame.