Gun Poll: Go Vote

this type of poll is worthless. This poll uses voluntary respondents, or, as I think it's called , self-selected results. More genuine results are achieved when pollsters call up folks across a broad spectrum of the population. Sure is nice seeing those results though.:)
Maybe useless, but it sure won't hurt. When the "undecided" group sees the results, they may tip in the right direction.
The question on the Brady Bill is a Catch-22, no matter which way you look at it, oe in this case answer it, YOU LOSE! I don't know is the answer I gave. It's too bad there wasn't a fourth option. Repeal them, they're unconstitutional.:mad: :barf: :(
Paul B.
We're destroying them in the poll!

Question for those of you who really understand big business: Is there any chance that the fact that AO Hell sucks beyond belief as an ISP will eventually lead to its demise, thereby bringing down anti-gun Time Warner with it? I can dream, can't I? Won't everyone have or want a high-speed connection in 5 years? Or is AOL going to offer (or already offering) their service with a high speed connection? (I believe all the high speed folks in my area are hand and glove with the ISP). I can't imagine an ISP surviving in the long run with only offering 56K connections. But no one's ever accused me of being a techie OR of understanding business. To try to relate this to rifles: Which rifle would you choose to shoot your computer with when AOL kicks you offline and it's the last straw?