Gun Owners' Task Force: Scam, or the Real Thing??


I just received a phone call, under the guise of a survey, during which a recording of Majority Whip Tom Delay was played. There was no survey, only a high-pressure attempt to collect money.

This sounds like a scam. Anybody know anything about this???

Shoot to kill; they'll stop when they're dead!
It depends upon whom you ask! ;)

I'm not a Republican. I am angry at them for giving away our Rights and calling it "compromise" when we get nothing in return.

This Gun Owners Action thing by DeLay has been around for a couple months. (They hit me earlier possibly because my last name begins with "B"???)

If you do a search on "DeLay" you will find a bunch of other comments - some less biased than mine! :)
Walter, Unlike Dennis I am (still) a republican and do not recommend as a fellow gun owner (and vowed defender of our constitution) that you rely on the RNC to use your hard earned funds for specific gun legislation. I don't know GA, but if you have pro gun guys there, stick up for them with a couple of bucks direct. Delay ain't no hero in our fight.
See? There ARE things we can agree on! (LOL!)

By the way, you made a GREAT pun there:

"Delay ain't no hero in our fight."