Gun Owners Rally brings 5K + to Boston


New member
I took the day off and joined a MA Gun Owners Action League Rally in Boston. Last Oct Chapter 180 was passed into law which created a confusing mess of gun law changes under the guise of a safer America. I learned that 90% of the law was targeted at law-abiding citizens and only 10% at violent criminals. The legislators who sponsored the law had presented an 18 page legislation for review. Only at the last minute did they submit the bulk of what they were REALLY pushing for - over 60 pages of gun control laws that gave little time to review. There was no public hearing and no opportunity to point out the absurdities of this bill. I watched how the news covered since I was there and heard all of the speakers during the 2 1/2 hour. They downplayed the rally and instead presented a small protest new conference featuring Scott Harshbarger the former Attorney General and almost Governor of MA(gulp)! With all of the intelligent information presented at the GOAL rally and the rationale behind the truthe that gun control doesn't reduce crime Ch 7 news presented a brief emotional statement from one speaker that all the gun laws couldn't have prevented the Littleton massacre.

I'm glad I went but I realize the battle has only begun. When we are up against the legislators AND the news media, the stack sure does look stacked against us.

Wanna fight back, instead of staying on the defensive?

Here's how.

CCW permits in MA are notorious for being handed out on the basis of social or political privilege. Check out a part of your state Constitution:

"Article VI. No man, nor corporation, or association of men, have any other title to obtain advantages, or particular and
exclusive privileges, distinct from those of the community, than what arises from the consideration of services rendered to the
public; and this title being in nature neither hereditary, nor transmissible to children, or descendants, or relations by blood, the idea of a man born a magistrate, lawgiver, or judge, is absurd and unnatural."

Got it? If Kennedys are getting CCW and "regular folk" ain't, it's grossly, wildly illegal.

Get up on your hind legs and sue the barstards - sue whoever handles CCW issuance on "equal protection" grounds.

Jim March