Gun owners moving?


New member
The other thread went downhill and got locked before I got to it.
Saw this quote on some forum somewhere sometime....:rolleyes: don't remember where.

"All you gun nuts should just pack up your guns and move to another country!"

"We already did that, who let you in?"
Actually, since the right to own predates any poster, the direction is entirely wrong. The right to own guns was already in the law. This is part of the rules, I like it.
You don't like it, move to some country with the set of rules you are most compatilble with.
Rights aren't about humoring people or letting everybody have their way, so they can learn to deal with it.

Everybody is open minded until somebody else exercises a right in a way they don't like.
We're doing that already - it's called the Free State Project.

See, I'm ion favor of people moving to a country where the ideals suit them. Not moving somewhere to change the ideals to what they want.