Gun Owners Million March

Mark M33

New member
How can we show our politicians that there are a lot of us and we vote? Can we march in the capital and make our presence? Or one suggested that one date all states will have a simultaneaus gathering? What do you think?M33
Gather 400,000 men and it is called a "Million Men March" by newspapers. Gather 6,000,000 gunowners and you will have the "hundreds of extremists diplay their hate and bigotry in public".

Besides, we gunowners tend to have businesses or jobs, not like the folks who can just up and all take off for DC...Guess we are the land-bound prey that L. Neil Smith wrote about via Drake-Tealy character.

Even when the fight is lost, take some with you.
What do you think the feds would do if all us gun-totin', inbred, red-neck bubba yahoos's gathered in one place at the same time?
Back in '89 or '90, there were some particularly bad "semi-auto-ban" bills being considered in the Ohio state house. A group called The Ohio Constitutional Defense Council planned a march on the state house. They linked with all the various local groups, got the necessary parade permits, and so forth. The march was set to conincide with an Ohio Gun Collectors Association (OGCA) show at the Veteran's Memorial hall on Broad Street. Other groups gathered at the Ohio Center on High Street. At the appointed time, we took to the streets with our signs and banners. Police blocked the side streets as on group marched, 8-abreast, up Broad and another group march up High, converging at the State House. At the convergance point, one could look down both streets and see marchers as far as the one could see. The Columbus PD estimated the crowd at 25,000 or more. There were some speeches on the steps of the State House (with a barely functional PA system)and then we all dispersed. It was was was magnificent...and it was all but ignored by the media. Small mentions in the newspapers (with references to "hundreds" of marchers), almost no TV play, nothing "national" except Gun Week.

The Columbus PD told us that ours was the second biggest protest ever held at the State House (there was a bigger anti-Vietnam war one in the sixties). I couldn't help but wonder why, if a dozen raggedy-ass pro OR anti-abortion types show up in one spot, the TV news will report it as if it were a multitude, but they ignored twenty-five-freakin'-THOUSAND of us! I didn't wonder too long. I knew the answer. I knew that the media would never permit us to be depicted as responsible citizens, seeking redress for our grievances in a responsible and proper manner.

So, organize a march if you like. I'll attend...I can use the exercise. Don't expect that the media will pay ANY attention, unless some of your group behaves in a way that discredits our position.

Now if we all marched displaying our firearms it would be called a coup. But if we justgathered up a million of our fellow owners and sat around a campfire singing songs we would be called a militia group, err um gun lobbyists, or maybe demonstrators? Can't we all just get along?

I am also reminded of the movie Red Dawn. the scene I feel is the most politicaly oriented is where you see a bumper sticker that reads the famous line They Can Have My Gun When They Pry It From My Cold Dead Fingers, and next you see a commie doing just that from a good old boy he just killed. If we are forced to give up our firearms then we are no longer able to defend ourselves on our own soil. The defence of our freedoms is what makes the US such a great place to live. It is the abuse of that freedom that makes the anti-gun people look so much more like good guys. We have lost our ability to tell who is right from who is wrong. The people of this nation need to learn the meaning of freedom again. So go to the library and read up on the tyrannical govenments that do not allow their people to have the freedoms that we have fought for and bled for. We have the greatest country on the globe and we should act like it.
I don't know about this. 25,000 at a state capitol, yes. That could be swept under the rug. 1 million in Washington? The larger media would be afraid to be scooped by other media, I would think. Maybe I'm wrong but it would be hard to ignore.
Well, if we can't go to Washington in person because of our various commitments, maybe there is another way to be counted.

1. What if we ALL telephoned at a pre-determined day and time? If we tie-up their switchboards, somebody might notice.

2. What if we ALL sent e-mails (in our own words) at a pre-determined day and time? If we tie-up their computers, somebody might notice.

Other ideas???
While these "million-man-march" type demonstrations might briefly enhance the sense of camaraderie among participants, I would have to question the long term benefits of such an event.
It's unlikely that the media would report on the event in a positive light. In fact, with a little selective editing, they could probably make it look downright negative. Even if all the speakers at the event presented calm, rational arguments, the press
would "have to" present the opposing view in the name of "balanced" reporting. This would give Schumer, Feinstein, etc. a stage for their b.s. posturing. They would get a free ride at our expense. I'll let you guess who would actually get more air time.
If you were to calculate the individual expense that each participant would have to incur to attend an event of this sort, and then consider what could be accomplished if that money was donated to pro-gun organizations for the purpose of public relations and lobbying, the impact would be devastating.
Imagine an average expense of $500 multiplied by 1,000,000!!!
Half a billion dollars!!!
Sarah Brady would probably implode.
The march should not be in DC …

Yes I know it's the seat of government but gather 100,000 or a million gun folks in DC and you will have arrests for possession firearms.

I would be for it but it needs to be somewhere more friendly to firearms owners. Possibly even privet property.

In this day and age it will not matter where you gather just the fact that you can get a large number to gather will be impressive.

Also, gathering organizers should have an entry gate in order to get an accurate non disputable count on attendance.

Last possibly area gatherings in football stadiums such as Promise Keepers. This would elevate long distance travel and allow for accurate count of those in attendance.

Just some thoughts
At the protest marches against the new restrictive gun laws in Australia, the following was noted:

A march of 60 000+ in NSW was reported as a "few" thousand. Camera angles were rigged to show only small portions of the crowd at any one time. An independent count from the air using a grid-reference system was totally ignored by the media.

Cameras almost exclusively concentrated on the more colourful gunowners, with close-ups of jeans, boots, pro-gun belt buckles. They totally ignored the supporters in three-piece suits, the women and the children.

Speakers were shown either MOS (without sound) or carefully edited to allow only phrases that could be misconstrued to be heard. Close-ups were used to make it appear that the speakers were shouting or ranting.

Footage was deliberately intercut with library footage of full-auto firearms in action, despite the fact they were NOT an issue as they were already illegal.

Participants were constantly referred to as the "Gun Lobby", despite most of them being separate individuals and not an organised group.

Unlimited airplay was given to anti-gun speakers and representatives; this was generally pre-recorded and inserted throughout the newscast. No such courtesy was extended to *any* firearms group representative; in fact, newspapers refused to accept even PAID advertising for pro-gun groups, deeming it "not in the public interest".

With your vast and powerful media, I fear any attempt to demonstrate, march, protest -- call it what you will -- would be met with the same misreporting by the media, and a consequent loss of public support or sympathy.

The protest/march would, however, receive much airplay overseas, accompanied by knowing smirks from asinine newsreaders, shaking their heads and saying "Only in gun-crazy America ... and now for the football scores".

Sorry to be cynical, but .... been there, done that, bought the T-shirt (as they say in the classics)

I have thought of this idea before. I think a peacefull armed march on Washington would be a good way to say "enough!!", but as with any large group of people U would have your idots and this would get blown out of proportion by the media.
The Promise Keepers takeoff sounds good, though. One thought, Schumer, Feinstein, Lautenberg, Brady et al. ALREADY have a media forum at our expense. It would be difficult to expand it.
A peaceful armed march? Between our extremists, the pro-tyrrany and pro-criminal lobby's extremists, and the government's extremists this might not be such a good idea unless your aim is to precipitate a blood bath. I'm not going to be in the middle of such a march. It would be a very bad tactical and strategic position.
Hey! If we had all the gun owners come to someone's farm or ranch, we could call it "GUNstock!" (Was Woodstock actually THAT long ago?)

Having an armed march could elicit unsavory groups (KKK, separatists, pseudo-militia, etc.), there would be a danger of over-reaction (from marchers, bystanders, or law enforcement), give the Brady/Schumer gang (B/Sers) a free ride, AND give the media a chance to malign us. Not an ARMED march, please!

$500 or so to go to Washington by a limited number of people would not be as effective as $20 to $50 spent on phone calls, e-mails, faxes, etc. by a larger number of people.

We could follow the "vote early, vote often" method and, in Texas, we could even have our ancestors voting and calling. (We do it in elections all the time...)

Hmm. They could shut the phones down to limit the number of calls they receive, but could they "refuse" our faxes and e-mails? Especially if we were sending them to our own Congressional representatives? I rather doubt it.

Let's see, if my wife, my three daughters, my mother, father and I, each sent a separate e-mail and a separate fax....

What if we got all the syndicated writers who might be on our side involved? How could we do that? (Yes, there are some - you folks know them better than I do.) Maybe we could get some honest media coverage?????

And what if we made all these calls/faxes/e-mails on the SAME DAY as our article in USA TODAY! ALL pro-gun people could respond - one at a time.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited March 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited March 10, 1999).]
Walter Williams, Chair of Economics at George Mason University, is one such syndicated columnist. His website is

His weekly syndicated column can be found at
I agree the "peacefull" probably would not work ,but to march unarmed would be just another demonstration, like sitting around campfires and singing coon bye ya. The peacefull armed march would show 2 things. 1 The responsibility of gun owners(this is when the idiots would kill what is trying to be said). 2 Gun owners standing up and saying no more,
You are cooking a lot of great ideas here guys, solidarity among us is the driving force. Forget D.C., if we did something at the same time all over the country, gathering, e-mailing,faxing etc., I bet you we could turn some heads our way.M33
Possible idea:

The Colorado Springs World Arena has played host to some *huge* gatherings... like the Promise Keepers. Colorado Springs is also a relatively gun-friendly place: no permit required for open carry, and most businesses don't even blink when I walk in with a gun on my hip.

Bullets and primers and hot brass a-flying;
Goblins in my house all screaming and crying;
Nineteen-elevens and scope-mounting rings;
These are a few of my favorite things...
I've seen some good ideas here, phone calls, faxes, E-mails. There is one thing here though. I read somewhere, that out of the 500 plus representatives we have in DC, only 35 read their E-mails. Sounds like dereliction of duty to me. I think the bset idea is send the E-mail and a letter covering the same subject. They'll respond to one of them. Do you think if we all sent Chuckie Schumer letters requesting that he take advantage of Dr. Kevorians service he would do it? Wouldn't that be great?