Gun nut and Proud of it!


New member
Friday I was going around after work collecting signatures for Veto the Govenor. Asked one of our vineyard supervisors if he would sign. I was told that he had heard that about me, that I was a gun nut. He then asked me are you?

I told him that if because I like to hunt and shoot firearms, if that makes me a gun nut, then I am. If because I value my freedom and am determined to protect the means whereby we retain that freedom makes me a gun nut, then I am guilty as charged. If I refuse to become a slave to our government by paying over half of what I earn in taxes makes me a gun nut, then I have to accept the fact that I am. Because I am an american and believe in our constitution and my right to defend it and my fellow citizens, then Sir I am a gun nut and dam proud of it.

The net effect of our conversation was, even though he was a liberal who is anti-gun, he signed the petition, plus took a blank sheet to get others to sign it. Also our new viticulturalist was listening to my speech. Afterwords he approached me to not only sign the petition, but to find out what I shoot. Seems he is into reloading, 9mm and 45acp. Got his signature also.

I live out by an Indian Casio. Have gotten permission to set up a table out front to gather signatures. After a couple of evenings I have this to report. I have gotten over 120 signatures and have only been turned down by two people. Most when they find out what SB23 is about are mad at our government over it. These are random people from off the street, so I can not see where 78% of the people support this legislation. We are being lied to by our Government.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
That would be SO COOL if Kalifornia could pull together and roll back this legislation. Does this really stand a chance?


good work

I think we can do this. Everywhere I know that has gun related stuff has petitions, Gun Shows, Gun Stores, the range. you name it.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?