Gun magnets for holding handguns in vehicle or wherever

I have two that I've been using for a few years. I don't remember the brand, but they are encased in a plastic or polymer material so they don't scratch or mark the gun. They are very powerful magnets, almost too powerful. If I remember correctly, they're rated at 30 lbs or something like that.
I think the one under the vehicle would be great for a hide away key. Come's to guns, I like mine right on my belt and out of sight. I know exactly where it is and can get without a look at all. But, I was thinking; couple holes and screw's and you could mount firearms to the wall!
One of these could be screwed to the bed or night stand, the end table by a recliner, in the kitchen. One under the dash in a vehicle would be handy. Person should probably have a gun on their person at home, but I haven't gotten into the habit. Yet.
Is there a chance of magnetizing your gun, especially with the powerful magnets? This may attract metal particles to the gun, causing premature wear. Thoughts?
Another alternative and way cheaper is you can use aquarium algae cleaning magnets. They are coated in plastic/polymer and one half has soft felt on the sticking surface and the other has a scrubbing surface like on a dish sponge but soft enough not to damage your firearm's surface. They are powerful enough to hold a fairly heavy handgun.

I just attach good quality double sided adhesive foam tape to the opposite side of the magnet and stick it to whatever cleaned surface you want.

I've been using these to stick my Glock G26 under my coffee table when I'm not shooting it
for years with no ill effects to the gun at all. About $10.00 at pet shops or online.
Re: Stephen 426's magnetized possibility
I have a 17 gun circular gun rack for rifles and the barrels are held secure by magnets. The manufacturer specifically states that the rifles will not be affected in any way. However there is felt padding between the magnets and barrels. The magnets are quite strong.