Gun left in bathroom stall

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Don P

New member
Just on the news this morning. Off duty LEO left his G-26 in the stall on top of the toilet paper dispenser. Boy found the gun and gave it to his father and it was turned in. Officer is now under investigation to see if he violated any issues. Incident happened in the Tampa, FLA area. Guess he forgot to drop it into his pantaloons crotch while doing his thing.
I've had the fear before of accidentally dropping it in the bowl. I couldn't imagine forgetting it. I'm glad it was safely turned in. There's LOTS of crime in the Hillsbourgh county area.
Yep sure is, as the father had stated on the news, gang banger, youngster with no firearms experience or not just telling an adult about the find, and in general the gun winding up in the wrong hands.
It happened a year or so ago at Denver International Airport and was on the front page of the news paper. Must of been very embarrassing. :eek:
Similiar incident in 2006, Michigan State trooper...

stopped in a fast food place in Kalamazoo, used the "porcelian goddess" and left
duty weapon in plain sight and left. Got to base location and the county sherrif had a nice talk with his supervisor.

Made two days in the papers and TV, then died.
20 years ago I worked a small mom's & pop's gas station that officers would stop at in the evening hours to use the restroom due to the fact that we kept super clean restrooms. Two cops left thier guns on the tank of the toilet. One realized it minutes later. I found it, and put it under the counter. When he came in I told him I found it. He thanked me. The other I called the shift sarge after he did not come back in an hour. The shift sarge picked it up. From what I heard that poor cop never got to hear the end of it.
If you have ever been a LEO, I can assure you, His buddies will never let him live it down.

He has already probably gotten toy guns with leashes attached, toy guns with velcro gloves attached. neckchains.

I can think of MANY things that probably have found their way to his locker or desk by now.

And he probably has a new nickname..
I think it's bad doo-doo for someone to remove a pistol from a belted hip holster, while sitting on the throne; inorder to keep the pistol from falling out. I believe the pistol should be kept holstered with the waist of the pants --- along with the holster ---dropped no further than just below the knee caps. If the waist of the pants were dropped to boot or shoe level...the pistol and holster would be visible under the toilet stall from any passer-by who felt free too take a gander.
Lanyard rings may make a comeback yet. I guess Sgt. Preston of the Yukon must have left his in the outhouse at one time or another. I remember as a kid that he had a leash on it.
Officer is now under investigation to see if he violated any issues.


But yes guys it does happen more than you think. I've never left mine in a stall but many times I've had to, uh, sit it out while with the dang gun in my hand cause there was no place to put it! Here I was in a stall waving a 9mm Glock while trying to do business....

A few times I've had to actually hang the gun by the trigger guard in the coat rack that is on the door cause that was the only place to put it (thankfully I had a NY-1 trigger so no biggie.)

I've heard of several feds leaving their guns in stalls, seats in restaurants, and other locations.

Familiarity breeds contempt folks. Keep that in mind at all times.

He has already probably gotten toy guns with leashes attached, toy guns with velcro gloves attached. neckchains
Better that than knowing a random person picked it up and caused horrific injury with it.

Anyone who carries a gun has the responsibility of maintaining control of it at all times. If they can't do that, they have no place carrying a gun.

...and yes, the public restroom stall is a situation that needs to be planned for beforehand.
Lucky the kid knew what to do. I consider myself extremely safety conscious but brain farts happen.

I took my kids to the park while CCing only to find a "no weapons" rule at the park (odd considering state gun laws). I left the pistol in the front door pocket. When I got home I forgot about it until my wife found it and called me at work the next day. The kids are indoctrinated on what to do if they find a gun, they never go into the front of the vehicle but still, it made me feel sick.
Some years ago, a Virginia State Policeman was gassing up his patrol vehicle at a gas station in, I believe, the Manassas area. His duty belt had gotten bollixed up, and he decided to adjust his gear. He drew his service pistol and set it on the roof of the Crown Victoria, while he addressed whatever was bothering him. You guessed it. The pistol (IIRC, it was a Sig 226) went bouncing down the road. It was retrieved by a solid citizen, and he got it back, but ouch!

I once had a S&W 642 fall out of an IWB holster when the whole rig, belt and all, just flopped over. Bad juju, but I was in a single-stall head, and I had the whole place to myself. Yikes. That led to some adjustments in approaching public restrooms. Don't want the revolver bouncing under the stall. "Daddy, look, a gun!"
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