Gun Law Changes Proposed for Tennessee


New member
Here is a list of proposed changes in Tenn. Gun Laws for this session of the State Legislature. If you live in Tenn. and want to see these measures passed, get on the phone and /or email them and tell them what you think.
Email addresses for many of the legislators is on this list.

If you need to find reps not listed go to: and click on "House" or "Senate" to find the rep you need to contact.
IMHO one should NEVER email a legislator unless said politician is a member of their family and you can use a private email address.

A letter or phone call is much more likely to cause someone (usually a junior staffer) to pay attention. A better way is probably to schedule a group interview with other like minded citizens especially citizens known to the legislator and talk to the legislator face to face. Inviting the legislator to lunch may be the best way.