Gun Industry Lawsuits


On the last page of the May issue of American Handgunner is a simple little solution to the wave of lawsuits intended to shut down the gun industry. That solution being that the gun industry suspends sale of guns, ammo, and accessories to any city initiating a lawsuit against them. At the very least, their prices should be adjusted to reflect the projected cost of a gun if the lawsuits are successful.
I for one am going to contact Glock, Colt, Sig, S&W, etc. and urge them to do just that.
Think of the tax dollars Chicago could save by issuing Jennings pistols to their police force.

Tom Paczwa
I'd be in favor of that....however

What do you want to bet that the "targeted" cities would invoke some Federal law about discrimination and unfair pricing? ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Inside the industry the concensus seems to be that there is more power in continuing to do business with these cities for two reason:

1. to point it out to the jury.."How bad can we be.. here is a check from them dated last week!"

2. To gain allies inside the cities (LE, etc...)

Excellent points, esp. number one to a jury

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Good point and might be fun to do, but the suits are based upon the manufacturers oversuplying states with lax laws and then those guns being imported into the cities with maximum laws. The point of these suits is that the cities want the gun laws of the rest of the country to be the same as they are in the cities. And if they can take out a few manufacturers along the way... well that never hurts (in their point of view).

I still think the best alternative for the manufacturers is a suit against the cities for 1. Conspiracy to deprive citizens of their rights. 2. For all the medical costs associated with depriving citizens the means to defend themselves. There is a new study out that shows that there is a net medical savings by citizens having arms. The savings are 5 times more than the cost of the current gun violence.

If the gun debate is turning to the courts. Ie the only way we can present our facts and figures is through the courts. Then we must address it there through suits.


The debate is not about guns, rather who has the ultimate power to rule, the people or government.
You think these lawsuits are stupid. You compare them to suing Ford for jit-and-runs. Guess what, I have seen several threads in car groups calling for class action suits against Ford with gun suits as precedents.

(Started by idiots, but the fact that they seemed serious...could have been a pro-RKBA troll, but I doubt it)

Look these up on Dejanews...