Gun humor . . .

Prof Young

New member
As a guy who know lots and lots of jokes, it occurred to me that I don't know any jokes that are specifically about guns. I know a few jokes about guys who shoot stuff they shouldn't but not really any jokes about guns.

You got any?

Life is good.
Prof Young
Trying to think of any I could post without offending....well, everyone.
Nope...nothing comes to mind.
But if you read anything by these two professionals I think you'll be satisfied.

Patrick F. McManus

Skeeter Skelton

P.S. Can't forget Lawdog.
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A cowboy bellies up to the bar in a saloon and slaps his Peacemaker down. He brags to the barkeep, "Friend, you ain't never seen nuthin like my shootin. Gimme a shot of whiskey, and I'll show you something you'll never forget".

"Fine" say the bartender, handing him a shot. "But how you gonna do that"?

"Well I reckon I can show you right here and right now!" says the cowboy. And like lightning he fires five shots at a white hat lying at the other end of the bar. Every shot makes the hat dance in the air, and the last one makes it land, plop, upside down in the spittoon. The cowboy grins and downs his shot.

"Fine shootin stranger" says the barkeep. "But I think you'd better file down the front sight and cover that gun with bar-b-que sauce".

"Why, what in the Sam Hill would I do that for?" the confused cowboy says.

The barkeep tells him, "Because that hat belongs to Mad Dog Johnson. And when he comes back from the outhouse, he's gonna shove that gun down your throat".
Cajun story - it's true

A middle aged New England couple touring the Deep South stopped for lunch in a Lafayette cafe. After enjoying a bowl of seafood gumbo and a helping of shrimp etouffe they began discussing Cajun cuisine with the cafe owner.
"Hear Cajun coffee is interesting," said the husband.
"We would love to try some," said the wife.
They were served a cup each by the cafe owner.
"Good strong coffee, got chicory," said the cafe owner.
They each took a sip and immediately spit it out saying that was the worst coffee ever.
Cafe owner drew a revolver (I don't recall the type nor caliber) and ordered the couple to finish. After they forced down the coffee, the cafe owner poured himself a cup, handed the revolver to either the man or woman (can't recall who) and said, "point that gun at me while I drink my cup."
Okay, here's a transcript of a 911 call:

Dispatcher: 911 -- what's the nature of your emergency?

Caller: I think my buddy is dead!. We were out hunting and he just fell over dead!

Dispatcher: Okay, please keep calm and make sure he is dead.

Caller: Okay, hold on.

[Two gunshots ring out]

Caller: Okay, now what?
A man walks into a bar one day and asks the bartender if he knows a man named Two Guns Gonzales. The bartender says no but he tells him that the man in the back named No Guns knows him. So the guy walks to the back of the bar and asks the man if he knows a guy named Two Guns Gonzales.

The man says, "Let me tell you a story.... One day about a week ago, I was riding into town on my horse and this large man with two guns comes riding up to me and says, 'Get off your horse.' Well, Two Guns has two guns and No Guns has no guns, what could I do? I get off my horse. Then he says, 'Now drop your pants.' Well, Two Guns has two guns and No Guns has no guns, what could I do? I take off my pants.

Then he says, 'Now poop.' Well Two Guns has two guns and No Guns has no guns, what could I do? I poop. Then he says, 'Now eat it.' Well Two Guns has two guns and No Guns has no guns, what could I do? I eat it.

Now, Two Guns is laughing so hard, he drops his guns! I grab them! Now I say, 'Drop your pants.' Well Two Guns has no guns and No Guns has two guns, what could he do? He drops his pants. Then I say, 'Now poop.' Well Two Guns has no guns and No Guns has two guns, what could he do? He poops.

Then I say, 'Now eat it.' Well Two Guns has no guns and No Guns has two guns, what could he do? He eats it. So when you ask me if I know a man named Two Guns Gonzales, the answer is yes: I had lunch with him last week."
Bullseye Buford

Bullseye Buford was the best revolver shooter in the world. It didn't matter what caliber or style of gun or what the competition was. If it was revolver shooting Bullseye Buford was the best of the best. People noticed that Bullseye had a medallion he wore around his neck. Before every shooting match Bullseye would open the medallion like a locket, look inside, close it and go win the match. When asked about it Bullseye said, "Inside the medallion is the secret to excellent revolver shooting." But he would never share his secret. Eventually Bullseye passed on to the big shooting range in the sky. After a respectful burial they gathered round to open the medallion. Inside it said . . . . .

"Single action, cock first. Double action, just pull."

Life is good.
Prof Young
The little old lady

A state trooper pulls a little old lady over for a minor traffic violation. As he's running her driver's license he sees that she has a concealed carry license. So he asks her if she has a gun in the car.

"Yeah, I've got this 1911 in the center console."

The trooper suspects he has not heard the whole story, so he asks if she has any other guns.

"Well, my glock 17 is in the glove compartment."

But she still looks a little nervous, so the trooper asks if she has any other guns.

"I've got a 357 magnum in my purse."

The trooper asks the old lady, "What are you afraid of?"

And she says, "Not a damn thing!"
Two pepper shakers walk down a dark alley at night. Suddenly, a salt shaker with a pistol leaps out of the shadows.

"Look out!" one of the pepper shakers exclaims. "It's a salt with a deadly weapon!"