GUN GRABBERS PICKET NRA CONVENTION; pro-gun counter march organized!

It is a never ending battle...exercise your freedom or lose it!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
The antis had a slow-beating African drum with a body carried in a litter. Standard stuff.

The pro-rights guys did themselves proud. NBC news showed them with an "Unintended Consequences" book cover themed setting. Lady Justice thrown on the ground covered with the American flag while too goons in ninja suits point longguns at her. The sign read, "This is your future under gun control."

Very cool.

All things considered, the NRA convention and the protesters were quite bland. The NRA behaved professionally, anti-2's had their say and behaved themselves. The papers were balanced in the presentation which is a real shocker since the Charlotte News and Observer is about as hard left a paper as you will get.

It appeared to me the NRA exhibited some real savy media smarts. Every media event the anti-2's planned had a counter event about the same time. There was no news cycle which the anti-2's dominated without a response from the pro-2's. Truly outstanding work on the NRA and affiliated group's part.

Side bar. The NRA convention opened on Saturday morning. Late Friday night/early Saturday morning, someone broke into a residence in Charlotte while the owners slept. The owner of the house confronted the intruder with a firearm, fired several warning shorts, and when the intruder failed to stop his attack, he was killed. The police refused to press charges. Both this story and the NRA convention were side by side lead stories in the media.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964